Friday, March 7


Elderly Man Goes Missing for 72 Hours After Taking Wrong Turn Coming Home

Elderly Man Goes Missing for 72 Hours After Taking Wrong Turn Coming Home

One family in Colorado Springs, Colorado got a scare this weekend after 83-year-old Albert Tumblin went missing after driving to a local store to purchase a birthday card for his daughter. Tumblin left the home at 2 p.m. Friday. Hours later, Tumblin still hadn't shown up, and his family was left wondering what could have happened, or where he could be -- fearing the worst. Tumblin, though, had simply become disoriented. The elderly father suffers from mild dementia and lost track of where he was. "I just made the wrong turn and kept going," he said in an interview with KRDO News. "I couldn't realize what direction or where I was going." After becoming disoriented, Tumblin continued to drive, only to be pulled over at 4 a.m. Saturday morning by an officer who suspected DUI. The office...
Thief Breaks In, Uses Victim’s Computer, and Forgets to Log Off Facebook

Thief Breaks In, Uses Victim’s Computer, and Forgets to Log Off Facebook

Facebook led police to a burglary suspect in Dakota County, Minnesota. Authorities arrested Nicholas Wig, 26, for breaking into a man's home and stealing a credit card, cash, watch, checkbook, and keys. "His undoing, they said, was that he logged into his Facebook account on homeowner James Wood's computer and forgot to log out," ABC News reports. Wood discovered a strange Facebook account, "Nick Dub," still logged onto his computer, along with other signs of a recent break-in -- including an unlocked door and a missing window screen. Later that same day, Wood identified the man walking along the street. He recognized him from his Facebook photos. Police arrested Wig and matched the watch the suspect he was wearing to the one stolen from Wood's home. Authorities charged Wig "with burgl...
Youngstown State Constructions to Include Terrazzo

Youngstown State Constructions to Include Terrazzo

School is out for the summer at Ohio's Youngstown State University. Now that students have gone home, it's time for the construction workers to move in for a planned series of renovations and new constructions that will cost around $10 million. “This is one of the most-aggressive construction seasons we’ve had in a long time,” Richard White, associate director of planning and construction at Youngstown State, told trustees at a committee meeting earlier this month. According to a June 16 article in The Vindicator, the construction will include completion of the Veterans Resource Center on Wick Avenue, which will cost $1.25 million on its own; several roof renovations across campus; elevator upgrades and more. “They aren’t big-dollar jobs, but they’re spread out,” John Hyden, execu...
Man Sentenced to Federal Prison for Soliciting and Reposting Nude Images of Teenager

Man Sentenced to Federal Prison for Soliciting and Reposting Nude Images of Teenager

According to a new study by the Crimes Against Children Research Center, about one in five children between the ages of 10 and 17 will end up receiving unwanted sexual solicitations online. This statistic hit especially close to home for Oakland this week -- Alex Gonzalez, of New Jersey, was sentenced for sexually coercing a teenager online. After pleading guilty, he received a 10 year federal prison sentence. The story is one that many parents hope to never hear. According to federal prosecutors working the case, Gonzalez convinced a 15-year-old girl to take nude photographs and send them to him via a photo-sharing phone app. The teenager then said she wanted no further contact with Gonzalez. At this point, he attempted to "punish" her with a variety of malicious online activity. On...
Scheduled Woodland Hills Academy Renovations to Include Terrazzo Flooring

Scheduled Woodland Hills Academy Renovations to Include Terrazzo Flooring

The Pittsburgh-area Woodland Hills Academy will be receiving extensive renovations over the 2014-15 school year, according to a May 26 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article. The renovation work, to cost around $15 million total, will require the school's more than 500 students and teachers to relocate for at least one academic year to the Word of God School in nearby Swissvale, the article states. The renovations will use about 80% of remaining funds left from a bond that the Woodland Hills School District took out in 2005. The Woodland Hills Academy Building, approximately a century old, is expected to receive a number of updates and upgrades during the renovation. Some of the district's planned changes include increasing lighting panels throughout the building, an elevator and lowered water ...
New Research Shows That Heavily Decorated Walls Distract Students

New Research Shows That Heavily Decorated Walls Distract Students

Colorful artwork, maps and shapes often cover the walls in a typical elementary school classroom. Are these displays encouraging learning, or could they actually be a distraction? In a new study by Carnegie Mellon, researchers found that busy decorations correlated to distracted behaviors.The research, published in Psychological Science, details how highly decorated classrooms impact children in more ways than one. When exposed to these classrooms, instead of a more bare classroom, children were more likely to spend time off-task, experience smaller learning gains, and be more distracted. Though children are not usually actively examining the walls, the results are in line with earlier studies on how children are impacted by the physical setup of learning environments. "Young children s...
After Allegedly Stealing and Pawning Jewelry, Rochester Woman Finds Herself in the Slammer

After Allegedly Stealing and Pawning Jewelry, Rochester Woman Finds Herself in the Slammer

A Rochester woman faces charges after being arrested earlier in May for the alleged theft and sale of stolen jewelry. Shaumyk Santiago, 21, is accused of breaking into a home in Wolcott, NY in January and stealing many of the owner's valuable pieces of jewelry. After Ms. Santiago sold the items to the Jewelry and Coin Exchange, a pawn shop for valuable items, on West Ridge Road in Greece, she found herself in cuffs. Santiago awaits further proceedings on the matter, but for now, she has been sent to the Wayne County Jail on $10,000 bail. Theft in Rochester is Nothing New Theft in Rochester isn't exactly a novel concept. According to the most recently available statistics, the Flower City plays host to 7,683 thefts per 100,000 people every year, or over 15,000 annually. Among those crim...
Atlanta’s High Museum of Art Launches New Art Exhibit for Concept Cars

Atlanta’s High Museum of Art Launches New Art Exhibit for Concept Cars

The High Museum of Art, located in the heart of Atlanta, Georgia, is pleasing quite a few car enthusiasts with a new exhibit celebrating 17 concept cars and their designers. It's not the first exhibit of its kind, but it's certainly one of the best received. The exhibit features all sorts of prototype goodies for gearheads, including the Firebird I XP-21, the 1970 Lancia Stratos HF Zero, and other vehicles that didn't quite make the leap from concept to street car production. The exhibit, running until September 7, 2014, represents the only chance many car enthusiasts will have to see works from the maddest minds from BMW, Bugatti, and other producers from the 1930's onward. 'But Cars Aren't Art!' As with any other exhibit that doesn't feature 200-year-old paintings from the great arti...
How Clothing Donation is Saving the Planet and Helping Those in Need

How Clothing Donation is Saving the Planet and Helping Those in Need

As most Americans know, the green movement is big right now, and recycling everything from clothing to natural resources is one of the easiest ways to save our planet. However, not only does the environment benefit from these efforts, but so do people who are in need. Although recycling may seem like a fairly new idea, it's not. Humans have been reusing metals since the beginning of the Bronze Age 3,000 years ago, but it is plastics and other mass-produced materials that we have yet to get the hang of recycling. Yet while metal recycling can often turn a profit (and this profit, not the issue of sustainability, is what motivates these initiatives), clothing and fabric often wind up in landfills instead. Synthetic materials such as polyester, nylon, and rayon, along with natural fiber...
Experts Say American Doctors are Wrongly Prescribing ADHD Medication to 10,000 Toddlers

Experts Say American Doctors are Wrongly Prescribing ADHD Medication to 10,000 Toddlers

According to a published report from the Centers for Disease Control, over 10,000 two and three-year-olds in America are being medicated for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder — a number that has experts highly concerned because of the implications of diagnosing this disorder at such a young age. Many have labeled the high number of prescriptions as medically irresponsible.Current pediatric guidelines established by the American Academy of Pediatrics do not recommend any diagnosis for children three years of age or younger, including the distribution of any stimulant medication — the results of which have never been tested for efficacy or safety on children that young. While medications can help treat the condition in adults, they are not without risks, including growth suppression, ...

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