Friday, March 7

Month: April 2018

In a Selfie-Centered World, More Millennials Are Getting Preventative Botox
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In a Selfie-Centered World, More Millennials Are Getting Preventative Botox

For years, Botox has been used to reduce wrinkles, tighten skin, and help people look as young as possible. While Botox has commonly been used among middle-aged adults, there seems to be a growing trend of millennials getting preventative Botox. Preventative Botox is a procedure that treats the facial muscles that are used more often in order to prevent wrinkles from forming. Statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons report that the number of Botox procedures among 20- to 29-year olds increased 28% since 2010. According to Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank, celebrity cosmetic dermatologist and founder of PFRANKMD and PFRANKMD Skin Salon in New York City, millennials in their late 20s and early 30s are one of the fastest growing demographics for this type of procedure. “These da...
The End of Commuter Stress: The Future of Traveling to Work
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The End of Commuter Stress: The Future of Traveling to Work

The typical American commuter wastes about 42 hours in traffic each year and spends approximately $1,400 in gas expenses. In major cities, it's even worse. Luckily, thanks to some innovative new technological breakthrough and a changing culture, it looks like the average commute is going to be a lot less stressful in the near future. According to CNN Money, there are a few new trends and technologies impacting the way workers are getting to and from work. Some of the largest and most influential U.S. companies like Google, Facebook, and Apple have begun implementing new ways for their employees to get to work. Whether it's larger stretch limousines, which can carry between 16 and 20 passengers, charter bus shuttles, and even bike or scooter sharing programs, these forms of transp...
Prideful Pepper Popper Regrets Not Fearing The Reaper, Ends Up In Hospital
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Prideful Pepper Popper Regrets Not Fearing The Reaper, Ends Up In Hospital

In an effort to prove his mettle, this past month one man bit off more than he could chew and ended up in the hospital. Around 110 million people end up in the emergency room every year in the United States, but this man seriously underestimated the consequences of his culinary hubris. The Carolina Reaper is the hottest pepper on earth, holding the Guinness World Record at an average of 1.6 million Scoville Heat Units. In case you didn't know, Scoville Heat Units measure the heat of a pepper or anything derived from chili peppers. It looks at the concentration of a chemical called capsaicin, which produces the sensation of spicy heat for human beings. For reference, a jalapeno pepper rates around 8,000. This guy ate one single Carolina Reaper in the contest and later checked into the...
Facebook Data Breach Impacting 87 Million Users
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Facebook Data Breach Impacting 87 Million Users

Today, millions of people use social media to connect with friends, share thoughts and actions, and post pictures and videos. While people generally think of social media platforms as safe areas to do these things, that may not be the case. Facebook recently suffered a significant breach that affected possibly more than 87 million users. Cambridge Analytica, a British political consultancy firm, gained access to a plethora of information from Facebook users without permission. The personal information collected by the firm has been identified and Facebook is working to contact those affected by the breach. According to Facebook, the company does not know how Cambridge Analytica used the data that was retrieved. Because the firm is not affiliated with Facebook, they supposedly made in...
Rip City On They… A New Sporting Powerhouse On the Rise In the West
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Rip City On They… A New Sporting Powerhouse On the Rise In the West

A new sports powerhouse has been revitalized in the West: Rip City. Portland is the largest city in Oregon and has been known for its beautiful parks, 132 playgrounds, eco-friendliness, and the, let's say -- individualistic style -- reflected in the hit TV show Portlandia. But when the average sports fan thinks of big time sport cities, Portland has rarely come up. When people think of sporting cities, they think about New York City, Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, Dallas, and a few other major metros. Portland, with its population of 639,863 hasn't been amongst the top of the sport cities -- until now. Thanks to the Portland Trail Blazers, who are getting ready to take on the New Orleans Pelicans in the 2018 NBA Playoffs, the city's sports fans have been buzzing. Thoug...
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Congress Plans to Investigate High Costs of New York City Transit Construction

When you go to New York City, you can expect to spend a lot of money. Restaurant prices are a lot more expensive than other places in the country, parking is going to cost you an arm and a leg, and finding a place to stay? Wow, you better be prepared to spend a couple hundred dollars. While the city itself is so expensive, it may or may not come as a shock that the subway system ranks pretty low in terms of cost efficiency. Congress wants to know why. According to Time Out, the MTA’s 7 train cost about $1.4 billion to complete per kilometer. This is compared to London’s newer soon-to-be train extension which will only take about $1 billion per kilometer to complete. To see why the NYC cost is so high, Congress said in their latest omnibus spending bill that they will be mandating a stud...
Why do Americans Smile so Much?

Why do Americans Smile so Much?

Americans are very worried about the way their teeth look. In fact, a study reveals that one in five affluent Americans avoid showing their teeth because of self consciousness. According to an AACD survey, 99.7% of adults believe a healthy smile makes an important social difference. This is not exactly surprising so much as it is revealing of our predominant way of thinking. In some ways, the high standard for dental health in the United States is a good thing. Even if the reasons are thinly veiled vanity, taking care of your teeth is certainly important. but this obsession with perfect teeth, and indeed smiling as a whole, is very much an American phenomenon. Why? The Cultural Significance of a Smile It's not as if people without a perfect bite and pearly white shine are ostracized. ...
Evian May Just Change the Way We Think About Plastic Bottles
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Evian May Just Change the Way We Think About Plastic Bottles

Evian, the Paris-based global spring water brand, is aiming to create a world completely void of plastic waste. They make plastic water bottles, so how would this be possible? Well, they have taken action and made a commitment to manufacture all plastic bottles from 100% recycled plastic by 2025. “We want to keep the plastic in the system and out of nature,” asserts Patricia Oliva, Evian global brand director. This global brand is taking on a huge feat. The odds look favorable, though, as they are on track towards their goal of being completely carbon neutral by 2020. This all involved a fundamental redesign of their packaging and processes to make their bottles out of 100% recycled plastic. More than 2.5 million plastic bottles are used every hour by Americans alone. Can yo...
After Parkland Shooting, Some Teachers Are Considering Leaving the Profession
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After Parkland Shooting, Some Teachers Are Considering Leaving the Profession

According to a new Gallup Poll, one in five American teachers say they have considered leaving their profession because of school safety-related issues. This survey was sent out March 5-12, just weeks after the Parkland, Florida school shooting. Roughly 500 teachers who teach kindergarten through high school across the United States were surveyed. The findings also showed that four out of 10 teachers do not think their school is well protected, most are opposed to carrying guns, and many teachers prioritize gun control. According to a Current Population Survey from 2015 to 2016, roughly 6.2 million American workers, or 4% of the total workforce, transferred from one occupational group to another. Is this going to happen with teachers now that they don't feel safe in their jobs a...
Millennials Travel So Much They Are Changing the Booking Process
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Millennials Travel So Much They Are Changing the Booking Process

Millennials are aggressively embracing the family travel trend, so much so that they are creating economic growth for tourism-heavy destinations. According to AAA, millennial travel is expected to accelerate this year, and 44% of millennials are planning a family getaway. Millennials are also beating out their other generational counterparts when it comes to travel, as only 39% of Generation X and 32% of Baby Boomers plan to travel this year. It is predicted that millennials will spend $1.4 trillion on travel every year by 2020. They see family vacations as a great way to create memories and reconnect with loved ones, according to Spokesperson for AAA Utah, Michael Blasky. Just like older generations, families go on multiple vacations every year to revisit their favorite destinat...

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