Wednesday, February 12

Month: December 2021

Tech Talk  Isolation Transformers

Tech Talk Isolation Transformers

The world of mechanics is a vastly complicated field, that holds a lot of different equipment inside of it. This field can be considered one of the most complex areas to work in, as there are so many things to learn and be knowledgeable about in order to do your job. For example, do you have any idea what isolation transformers are? Isolation transformers are a very specific tool used by mechanics and engineers in order to have a certain outcome. To learn more about this subject, keep watching the video below! In essence, isolation transformers are a tool used to separate two different windings, in order to keep them apart. Video Source They help transfer power from one thing to the next through these separated windings. This way, the power does not have to be combined with the thing th...
How Does a Heat Pump Work?

How Does a Heat Pump Work?

How exactly does a heat pump work? In this YouTube video, the channel, The Engineering Mindset explains some of the different heat pumps you would find in an HVAC system. The first of the different types of heat pumps is an air to air heat pump. These have an indoor and outdoor unit. It can work as just a heating device or a heating and cooling device. This type of heat pump has many different parts including a controller, reversing valve, compressor, indoor heat exchanger, outdoor heat exchanger, expansion valve, non-return valve, filter drier, and sight glass. Video Source The refrigerant leaves the compressors, moves to the reversing valve, and onto the indoor heat exchanger. Heat is then provided to the room. Then, the refrigerant turns from a hot high-pressure vapor into a slightl...
What Are Long Weld Neck Flanges?

What Are Long Weld Neck Flanges?

There are many categories of flanges. This video discusses long weld neck flanges, commonly referred to as nozzles. Long weld neck flanges are often shortened to LWN. LWNs are similar to weld neck flanges. Video Source The main difference between an LWN and a weld neck flange is an LWN has an extended neck that acts as an extension. LWNs are used most often on columns, barrels, and vessels. For barrels, there are two types of flanges to choose from heavy-duty long weld neck flanges and heavy-heated long weld neck flanges. These specialized long weld neck flanges are most often used in the gas, oil, and petrochemical fields. Unlike many other flanges, long weld neck flanges aren't designed to be welded directly to pipes. Long weld neck flanges are square and designed to be utilized wi...
Vacation Ideas to Get Away From the Snow This Winter

Vacation Ideas to Get Away From the Snow This Winter

The winter season is full of melancholy moods and discouraging ambiance, and the weather can be frightful. It is, however, important to create delightful moments with your family and loved ones. Having a good winter getaway is among the many ways to achieve your objectives. You can plan a quick and affordable excursion, a solo retreat, or something that everyone in the family can enjoy. While this is possible, you need to have ideas for the best places to vacation during winter. Consider these places: Savannah, Georgia As the winter unfolds, getting contemporary luxury becomes vital. You create beautiful memories when you choose a vacation destination that brings you closer to history. As you look for the best places to vacation during winter, Savannah, Georgia, should be on your list. Y...
Visting a Pediatric Clinic

Visting a Pediatric Clinic

If your child will be visiting a pediatric clinic soon, you may want to help prepare them so that they aren't nervous or scared. While some nerves are okay and even normal, a visit to pediatric clinics should never be a negative experience. In this video, you will get to watch a child visit a clinic so that you and your child can know what to expect and help ease the nerves. Video Source Upon arriving at the clinic, you will first need to check-in. You will likely need to fill out a form and then wait to be seen. Your child can expect to be able to play with some toys in the waiting room. Once called, the first step is usually being weighed. Then your child's height will be measured, temperature, and blood pressure. Finally, the doctor will come in and talk with you and your child. The ...
Biodegradable Urns Make for Beautiful Send-Offs

Biodegradable Urns Make for Beautiful Send-Offs

If you are looking for a beautiful way to send off your loved one, you may want to consider a biodegradable urn. While most people imagine urns sitting in the ground forever, a biodegradable urn will eventually decompose and rejoin the earth. This could be a meaningful and special way to give your loved one the final resting place they deserve. In this video, you will learn more about these types of urns and how they make for a wonderful goodbye. Video Source When the biodegradable urn decomposes and returns to nature, it will begin the process of new life, a beautiful testament to the life that was already lived and will now continue. The urn additionally is an opportunity to be able to perform a unique ceremoney or send off without fear of injuring the local ecosystem because no matte...
Installing PEX Plumbing

Installing PEX Plumbing

The plumbing in your house is essential to having working amenities. Without them, your home would have some serious problems. To stay ahead of the game, you'll want to install PEX plumbing. These pipes are high-quality and can last inside your home. You'll also need hose clamps for plumbing to ensure there aren't any leaks at the connections. In this video, you will learn how to install PEX plumbing in your home. Video Source The best hose clamps you will want to use for your PEX plumbing are pre-crimped so that they won't slide off the hose. This means you can install them easily and quickly using only one tool. To do this, first, slide the clamp over the pipe, then slide the fitting inside of the pipe. Now you can slide the clamp back up so...

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