Friday, February 7


Seattle Optometrist Office Ransacked by Thieves Who Steal $60,000 Worth in Eyewear
Fashion, Local

Seattle Optometrist Office Ransacked by Thieves Who Steal $60,000 Worth in Eyewear

The three men who broke into a Seattle optometrist's office this past week may not have realized that a total of nine surveillance cameras were silently recording everything they did. The burglars ransacked Dr. Jeanette Pham's office, ultimately getting away with merchandise worth almost $60,000 in total. The videos have been released to local news channel KING 5 in hopes that the thieves will be identified and caught. Naturally, Dr. Pham is upset over the incident. "We're here to serve people, make sure they can see well, and I can't believe someone can come in and take everything away from me," she said, adding that there have been an "endless string" of break-ins at the building, which is owned by the Seattle Housing Authority. The video shows the three men ransacking the store --...
Phoenix Firefighters Lose 850 Keys

Phoenix Firefighters Lose 850 Keys

“Our accountability isn't the best here,” said David Carter, Deputy Chief of the Phoenix Fire Department. He was speaking about the 850 keys that have gone missing over a period of 15 years, blaming losses on the department's poor record keeping. According to the department's recent audit, 63% of the original 1,350 copies that the city had in 1999 have vanished over the years. The missing keys aren't used to directly access buildings and homes, but are used to unlock key boxes, which are security devices housing keys that actually do unlock buildings. Such a system allows the fire department to access commercial buildings and apartment complexes when closed without having to break down doors or windows to enter, while also minimizing the amount of keys needed. The system was also int...
Wrongful Death Complaint Filed Against Tough Mudder by 2013 Victim’s Estate
Lifestyle, Local

Wrongful Death Complaint Filed Against Tough Mudder by 2013 Victim’s Estate

In the world of competitive athleticism, the Tough Mudder obstacle race ranks high near the top. In fact, according to the event's own promotional materials, it's "probably the toughest event on the planet." The 12-mile race, which was designed by British Special Forces to help participants overcome common human fears like fire and heights, is held in different spots internationally each year. At the 2013 Mid-Atlantic Tough Mudder, however, tragedy struck when Avishek Sengupta, a participant, drowned while competing in the "Walk the Plank" obstacle. Now, Sengupta's parents have filed a wrongful death complaint through West Virginia's Marshall County second circuit court. The legal team, comprised of professionals from Boston's Gilbert and Renton firm, lists a number of different orga...
RDCK Administration Defends Decision to Award More Expensive Office Furniture Bid
Business, Local

RDCK Administration Defends Decision to Award More Expensive Office Furniture Bid

Last week, the Regional District of Central Kootenay awarded a contract for new office furniture to Graphic Office Interior Ltd., which is based in Vancouver Island, for $182,000. The agreement has come under fire since local company Cowan Office Supply of Nelson made a bid that was around $20,000 cheaper. But chief administrator Brian Carruthers has defended the RDCK’s decision. Primarily, he cited the warranties and specifications that the two competing companies were offering. According to Carruthers, Graphic Office Interior offered a 12-year warranty on fabric panels while Cowan’s was just 5 years and did not include shipping and labor. In addition, Cowan’s proposed workstation dividing panels were not tall enough. “It was determined that 54-inch panel height was desired and that...
Chicago Schools Set to Cool Down as Mayor Emanuel Orders AC Installation
Lifestyle, Local

Chicago Schools Set to Cool Down as Mayor Emanuel Orders AC Installation

Long afternoons in classrooms are even tougher for kids when the temperature rises. It can be hard enough for kids to focus and stay productive in the classroom when they are comfortable. But now, in order to make sure heat never slows kids down, Mayor Rahm Emanuel has ordered Chicago Public Schools to begin installing air conditioners in every classroom by this summer. Over the course of the next five years, according to a spokesperson from the mayor’s office, all of the more than 200 schools that do not have air conditioning in every classroom will. Though it is unclear exactly how much the project will cost as of now, it will be paid for through the CPS capital budget. Currently, 324 of more than 500 schools in the CPS system have full air conditioning. Of the 206 that do not, 162...
Couple Catch Kansas Security Fraudster in the Act, Police Say
Business, Local

Couple Catch Kansas Security Fraudster in the Act, Police Say

A couple in Kansas were left shaken Sunday after a man claiming to be from Protection One security services showed up at their home and asked to come inside. Kelly Billups and her live-in boyfriend said that the man arrived in sweatpants, sweatshirt, and jeans, but he did carry a folder and a badge. The story the fraudster spun to the couple was one of service. Apparently, when asked what he needed to do at the house, the man explained that Protection One, his fictional security company, was taking over for Vivint, the company that had just installed a complete security system for Billups and her boyfriend a few days prior. He wanted to come inside the house and for the couple to sign some kind of agreement. Luckily, the couple knew enough to push the issue, calling the police and sendi...
Private Vs Public Schools: The Push For School Privatization Continues

Private Vs Public Schools: The Push For School Privatization Continues

In the endless debate about private versus public schools, a recent report released by Oxford Economics points toward greater overall public benefit when students graduate from private schools. The study shows that Britain's private school graduates hold 275,000 jobs in the U.K., and generate more than $7 billion in national tax revenue. This benefit of private schooling is also upheld by parent opinions further west, where a Gallop poll shows that 78% of Americans feel that private schools provide a superior education. Private schools topped the preference list, followed by parochial schools, charter schools, and home schooling respectively. Public schools ranked the lowest, garnering only 38% of the vote. “Private schools will always provide a higher level of education, as clas...
Police Discover Seven Dead Babies in Utah Woman’s Garage

Police Discover Seven Dead Babies in Utah Woman’s Garage

It was a gruesome situation when police discovered the dead bodies of 7 infant babies from a woman’s garage in Utah. It is said that the investigation began when a person reported to police that he had found a dead body of an infant child during the time of cleaning his garage. The person said in his report that he was living in that house with a 39 years old wife Megan Huntsman and she was living with him till 2011. Upon hearing this report, police sought a search warrant of Huntsman’s house and happened to recover 6 more dead bodies packed in the cardboard boxes. Police said that Megan Huntsman was the prime suspect of our investigation. We have arrested her and there are chances of premeditated murder charges. Furthermore, investigators told to media that Huntsman had given birth ...

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