Tuesday, October 22

Jewish center shooter ‘knocked family to its knees,’ relative says

The warnings of Anti-Defamation League happened to be true on Sunday. Actually, a man with a long history of anti-Semitic killed a young brat and his grandfather in the parking area of Jewish community center at Kansas City. Police said that “after this shooting, he marched towards village Shalom- another Jewish facility center- where he killed a woman”.

A senior official of police said that “Frazier Glenn Miller was the shooter of those incidences and he has been booked under premeditated murder charges”.  When the police arrested Frazier Glenn Miller from a nearby elementary school, he was shouting “Heil Hitler!”

Apart from this, Southern Poverty Law Center said that “he was the founder of Carolina Knights of Ku Klux Klan and the White Patriot Party and has been engaged in anti Jewish practices since 1980s”. Besides, John Douglass Overland Park Police Chief said in his press conference that “our investigators have determined the shooting as a hate crime and the suspect has been booked under the charges of killing 3 people”. He further said that “we had recovered 3 guns from the suspect and he was supposed to be a target killer”.

Authorities said that if the suspect is convicted, he would be having death penalty under the Federal law.  Actually, the shooting took place one day before the “Passover “event. The time of shooting is really awful and shocking, says a chaplain of the Overland Park police Rabbi Herbert Mandl.

Last but not the least, a witness said to Police that “The shooting had begun at around 1:00 pm and he had been armed with a shotgun”.  The mother of the young victim criedbefore the crowd and said that “My father and my son had been ambushed and it was horrible act of violence”.

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