Saturday, March 1


Baltimore Conservation Group Receives $52.8 Million for Energy Efficiency Programs

Baltimore Conservation Group Receives $52.8 Million for Energy Efficiency Programs

Anyone who has been paying attention to news regarding energy efficiency in the past decade has probably noted a recent lag in discussions pertaining to energy conservation; as one reporter notes, the everyday discussion about energy tends to be less exciting than a discussion about solar power or wind power. Perhaps the fact that eco-friendly products are so easy to find these days is another reason why interest in everyday energy-efficient products appears to be decreasing; it isn't hard to find energy-efficient light bulbs at any hardware store, or a coffeeshop that has ditched Styrofoam sleeves in favor of tree-friendly recycled cardboard sleeves. Quite simply, the opportunity to be energy efficient is everywhere, and it's lost much of its novelty. But as one Baltimore conservation ...
Could Frozen Collagen Meat Popsicles be the Newest Beauty Secret?

Could Frozen Collagen Meat Popsicles be the Newest Beauty Secret?

A cool summer treat that can help your skin look younger sounds like a dream come true, but when you find out it's a frozen collagen meat popsicle, does that still sound appealing? Tokyo eatery Zenyaren has begun serving a line of frozen collagen meat pops, and they are all the rage in Japan. Chefs prepare traditional skewers of chicken, known as yakitori, but then slowly freeze them in collagen blocks so they keep their freshly barbecued taste. The resulting treat can be licked or crunched, just like a popsicle. Collagen is the most prevalent protein in the human body, and is responsible for our skin's strength and elasticity. But as we age, collagen production slows down, and the preexisting collagen is absorbed into the skin, resulting in fine lines and wrinkles, and sagging sk...
The Facebook Diet: Deleting Fat, Not Pictures

The Facebook Diet: Deleting Fat, Not Pictures

The Facebook Diet is the new fad weight loss routine that's taking New York city by storm. Instead of deleting or untagging themselves from unflattering photos, people are heading to the gym, using the pictures as motivation to work out, get healthier, and lose weight. “Sometimes looking in the mirror just isn't enough,” says Lisa young, an expert in health and nutrition. “You’re seeing what you look like and not hearing it from somebody else.” Part of the reason why Facebook pictures have provided dieters with such great motivation is because of the constant comparing people do with their friends and followers. “It’s a measuring stick for people socially to say, ‘How do I stack up with my friends?’ " says Kevin Audley, a life coach. It's no secret that social media has an affe...
Free App Aims to Dissuade New Yorkers from Driving Drunk

Free App Aims to Dissuade New Yorkers from Driving Drunk

Drivers in New York have a new way to stay off the road when they're drunk, and it's as simple as opening an app on their smartphones. The "Have a Plan" app was designed to reduce impaired driving by providing drivers with resources to test their sobriety, report drunk drivers, and look into other ways to get home. "The most common punishment for a DUI conviction is custody with local law enforcement in the form of public work service," says George Gedulin, Attorney at Law at Gedulin and Greany Criminal Defense Attorneys. "Essentially this is an eight hour period of physical labor in the custody of a Sheriff. Public works are often a 5-15 day sentence. For multiple DUI convictions custody can be enforced with actual time in jail or home detention. It is not uncommon to see individuals s...
George Washington’s Teeth Were Not Wooden, But Might Have Looked It

George Washington’s Teeth Were Not Wooden, But Might Have Looked It

Everyone's heard the legend about founding father George Washington's wooden teeth, but have you also heard that it's not true? Washington did wear dentures, but they were made of ivory, gold, and even bone -- never wood. Where did the tales of our first President's most famous quirk come from, and how did it come to be established as fact, to the point that school teachers were including it in their curriculum? English professor William M. Etter, Ph.D., who writes for the Mount Vernon website, is unsure of the explanation, though it's likely because Washington's ivory teeth became stained over time, leading to a grainy appearance that seemed wood-like. "Indeed, in a 1798 letter to Washington, (John) Greenwood emphasized the importance of cleaning these dentures regularly after ex...
New Study Points to Traditional Gender Roles in Elderly Parent Care: Daughters Give More Than Sons

New Study Points to Traditional Gender Roles in Elderly Parent Care: Daughters Give More Than Sons

As Mom and Dad age, it's daughters -- not sons -- who are more likely to provide care for their elderly parents, according to a new study. The research, presented in a paper to the American Sociological Association in San Francisco, was conducted by Angelina Grigoryeva, a doctoral candidate in sociology at Princeton University. Grigoryeva's study concluded that daughters of aging parents provide an average of 12.3 hours of care per month, as opposed to sons' care, which averaged out to 5.6 hours per month. Overall, the study found that in families with sons and daughters, gender tended to determine which child would perform care-giving duties. In fact, daughters tended to not only spend more time with an elderly parent, but sons would actually reduce their time if they had a siste...
Beauty Queen Contestant Arrested for Insurance Fraud

Beauty Queen Contestant Arrested for Insurance Fraud

In Riverside, California, a woman has been arrested for workers' compensation fraud thanks to online videos of her participating in beauty pageants. Shawna Lynn Palmer claimed to have fractured her toe last March while working for Stater Brothers in Riverside as a grocery store clerk. As a result of her injury, Palmer said she couldn't wear a shoe or put weight on her foot, preventing her from working. During multiple visits to a doctor, she said she could not move her foot in any direction, and she was ordered to refrain from working. She consequently was granted workers' compensation in March. However, a Youtube video has surfaced of the 22-year-old participating in the 2014 Miss Toyota Long Beach Grand Prix pageant during the time she was receiving compensation -- back in April. C...
As Paris Looks to Get Rid of Love Lock Bridges, Lockport Wants to Encourage Them
Lifestyle, World

As Paris Looks to Get Rid of Love Lock Bridges, Lockport Wants to Encourage Them

In some parts of the world -- especially Paris -- cities are trying to slowly wean citizens and tourists away from the practice of leaving "love locks." Yet some areas, such as Lockport, New York, are hoping to replicate the love lock's popularity in order to bring new tourism to their area. What is a love lock? About 15 years ago, couples visiting European cities began leaving locks on bridges as a symbol of their love. The locks are often decorated or bear the initials of the couple. Soon, many bridges in popular areas become completely covered with locks. Lockport, NY is hoping that the lock can have special resonance with their namesake. Lockport gets its name from the Erie canal locks within the city, and the new Lockport Beautiful group is hoping that the metal locks, permanently a...
Electric Feel: Special Bacteria Help Detect Water Pollutants

Electric Feel: Special Bacteria Help Detect Water Pollutants

What happens when scientists and governments know that a body of water is polluted, but can't test for toxins due to the expensive equipment? The University of Bath brings in their electric bugs to test the waters. Scientists from the university's Department of Chemical Engineering have recently developed a low-cost and effective device that is intended to be used by developing countries in order to help them monitor their drinking water in real time. This real time data feedback will omit the need for expensive lab equipment. Water pollution cause by industrial waste is a serious problem in developing countries as many governments dismiss the need to monitor environmental impact as production takes top priority to improve the nation's economic standings. More developed countries ...
Researchers Find Crucial Information About the Relationship of Psoriasis and Skin Discoloration

Researchers Find Crucial Information About the Relationship of Psoriasis and Skin Discoloration

Anyone who's experienced psoriasis, acne or eczema probably has experience with the lingering redness or discoloration left in the wake of major breakouts. Fortunately researchers at Milstein Medical Research Program at The Rockefeller University have finally discovered the source of the correlation between pigment changes and psoriasis, which is good news for sufferers of acne and eczema as well. Their research revealed that immune system molecules called cytokines are closely related to several inflammatory skin conditions. Essentially, they signal passing immune cells when there's an infection so they can fight it off. Two specific cytokines known as interleukin-17 and tumor necrosis factor contain an excess of psoriasis, which forces the immune system to attack it's own skin cell...

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