Saturday, March 1


Ariana Grande’s Alleged Diva-like Attitude Causes Her Life Coach to Resign

Ariana Grande’s Alleged Diva-like Attitude Causes Her Life Coach to Resign

Recently, 21-year-old pop sensation Ariana Grande has been plagued by rumors. Just as quickly as she shot to fame, so have rumors developed regarding her alleged diva-like behavior and bad attitude. This time, instead of leaving a hopeful fan disgruntled, she may have lost a member of her entourage because of her antics. Celebrity news outlet Page Six reported that Grande's life coach, whose job it was to keep the songstress balanced, focused, and healthy, reportedly quit months ago due to her bad attitude. According to a close source, Isaac Calpito just couldn't take it anymore. He also claimed that all the rumors regarding Grande's poor behavior are indeed true. “There is a fine line in the world of "celebrities" between the roles of a coach and image consultant. The "difficult" characte...
Moroccan Argan Oil: The New All-Purpose Oil for Body and Beauty?

Moroccan Argan Oil: The New All-Purpose Oil for Body and Beauty?

Oils have a bad reputation, and adjectives like "oily" are a negative when it comes to skin. But one nutritionist aims to prove that oils are actually good for the skin. Marlene Watson-Tara spoke with on the benefits of several different types of oil, including Moroccan argan oil, which is known for its health and beauty advantages. Oils such as argan oil, walnut oil, avocado oil and coconut oil, said Watson-Tara, are known as good fats that are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated and contain essential fatty acids. These types of fats differ from the bad fats, she explained, which are from trans, saturated and interesterified fats. These good oil could help reduce cholesterol and blood pressure and prevent inflammatory diseases when they are consumed. One of the most advant...
Brides-to-Be Head to Botox Clinics for This Surprising Treatment

Brides-to-Be Head to Botox Clinics for This Surprising Treatment

Brides-to-be are busy preparing for their big day in a surprising way: with fat fillers, laser treatments and Botox injections... in their hands. Botox clinics in Auckland, New Zealand, have begun to report an increase in business, especially when it comes to middle-aged brides-to-be. Patients also spend up to $300 NZD (approx. $246 USD) to have fat injected into their fingers and hands to give them a fuller, younger appearance. Women who visit these clinics are also having age spots and marks caused by sun exposure removed from their skin with laser procedures. The reason for these treatments? As more couples use professional photographers to chronicle the wedding day, brides are taking more steps to ensure everything is perfect -- including those close-up photographs of the bride and ...
Light Therapy for Skin Lesions May be More Effective than Freezing, Says Study

Light Therapy for Skin Lesions May be More Effective than Freezing, Says Study

Patients with pre-cancerous skin spots may have more luck with light therapy than with standard freezing therapy, according to a new study. Actinic keratoses are rough, scaly spots that often form on the faces and scalps of fair-complexioned people who have been exposed to a lot of sun. Since they can lead to cancer, removing them quickly and permanently is important. Cryotherapy is the current standard for treatment. In this process, liquid nitrogen is used to freeze spots and remove them before they can become a problem. An alternative is light therapy, also known as photodynamic therapy, which uses a liquid medication that becomes activated and kills the lesion's cells when a doctor shines a special light on the spot. In the new study published in JAMA Dermatology in August, research...
Recovering Addicts Swap Substances For Sweets

Recovering Addicts Swap Substances For Sweets

A recent study confirms what many recovering addicts already know to be true. The drug recovery process often causes people to gain significant amounts of weight. According to the University of Florida study published in July 2014, "Cessation of drug use often coincides with increased food consumption and weight gain in recovering addicts." Many experts believe that this is largely because rehab programs don't pay much attention to nutrition. "The main focus [of drug recovery programs] was just, 'get them off their substance,' and the rest will take care of itself," explained eating disorder and addiction medicine specialist Dr. Carolyn Coker Ross. Some recovery programs even encourage recovering addicts to eat sugary, and/or fatty foods, touting sugar as a "harmless" replacement for d...
Research Shows Morning Exercise Relieves Symptoms of ADHD in Children

Research Shows Morning Exercise Relieves Symptoms of ADHD in Children

Could treating or reducing the symptoms of ADHD be as simple as encouraging children to get more exercise? New research suggests this may be the case. A study published Tuesday in the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology showed that children who engaged in 30 minutes of moderate or vigorous activity before morning classes showed a marked improvement in their symptoms. The research was conducted by the Michigan State University kinesiology department, in conjunction with the University of Vermont. For the study, 200 Vermont schoolchildren, about half of whom have a high risk of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), participated in the study. The at-risk group was identified based on parent and teacher assessments of typical ADHD symptoms. The children were divided into two tes...
The Sunday Times Compared Fat Content of Salmon and Pizza and the Results Might Shock You

The Sunday Times Compared Fat Content of Salmon and Pizza and the Results Might Shock You

They say that salmon is one of the healthiest things you can eat. They're packed with Omega-3 fatty acids and they're a leaner option than other meats, right? That all depends on where the salmon came from. According to The Telegraph, an analysis of the fat content of smoked salmon proved pretty surprising. The salmon -- which were farmed in Scotland -- had more fat than pizza. Salmon is typically advertised as lean, oily, and healthy; however, not all salmon are created equal. Fish that came from the Scotland farms were found to be three times more fatty than wild salmon. Why? Some people call farmed salmon the "couch potato" of fish, since they do not swim as much as wild salmon do; this makes the farmed version fattier -- just as with people who are couch potatoes. Here's the compa...
Antibiotic-Resistant Bacterial Strain Lives on Many Household Items, Research Shows

Antibiotic-Resistant Bacterial Strain Lives on Many Household Items, Research Shows

It isn't exactly surprising anymore when studies are released showing that the most common household items tend to carry the most bacteria -- but new research conducted by medical experts at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, WA shows that the type of bacteria carried on these items is more worrisome than the amount of bacteria. This research, published in JAMA Pediatrics on September 8, shows that the strain MRSA (Staphylococcus aureus), which happens to be resistant to most antibiotics, is very prevalent on common household items. In the past, this bacterial strain seemed to be "caught" by patients who were already in hospital environments; now, however, the latest research shows that this bacteria is often found in homes with children and/or pets. The items mos...
Apple Denies Claims that Security Breach Led to Leaked Celeb Photos

Apple Denies Claims that Security Breach Led to Leaked Celeb Photos

Apple claims that the recent celebrity photo leak scandal that affected over 100 celebrities was not the result of a security breach in its systems. Rather, they say, it was a targeted attack on celebrity usernames, passwords and security questions. After being notified of reports of an iCloud breach, Apple spent over 40 hours investigating its systems involved with the attack that led to the leak of compromising photos of celebrities like Jennifer Lawrence, Rihanna, Selena Gomez, Kim Kardashian and Kate Upton. The photos were stolen early last week and posted to the web forum 4chan. Users offered to exchange the photos for paypal and bitcoin payments. Soon after the photos were leaked, they began to circulate on Twitter, as well. Several Twitter account holders have already faced su...
New Study Shows a Short Walks Can Help Damage From Prolongued Sitting

New Study Shows a Short Walks Can Help Damage From Prolongued Sitting

If you've had any experience sitting at a desk and staring at a computer screen for eight hours a day, you know that the effects it has on your body are not very good. Slouching, headaches, lower back pain, carpal tunnel, etc. But did you know prolonged periods of sitting have also been associated with higher cholesterol levels and greater waist circumference, which can lead to cardiovascular and metabolic disease? Fortunately, a new study shows that there's a very simple way to combat these negative effects: taking a walk. That's right. According to researchers at Indiana University, just a 5-minute stroll for every one hour of sitting could reduce the damage to leg arteries and reduce the risk for heart disease. Researchers looked at 11 healthy men between the ages of 20 and ...

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