Friday, March 7

Month: August 2014

The Psychological Process of Going Bald

The Psychological Process of Going Bald

Losing your hair can be a traumatic experience. A 2013 study from Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin -- one of the largest and most prestigious teaching hospitals in Europe -- found that hair loss can have a devastating impact on an individual, and could even cause body dysmorphic disorder. Now, Men's interest site Man Cave Daily is likening the experience of losing one's hair to the Kübler-Ross model, which is more commonly known as the Five Stages of Grief. According to the site, the five stages of hair loss are denial, resentment, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Initially, men deny that they're losing their hair, thinking it'll just pass and that they're not actually losing their hair permanently. Eventually, once men realize that their hair isn't coming back, they begin...
The Latest Trend for Fashion Mag’s September Issue? Advertising that Looks Just Like Content

The Latest Trend for Fashion Mag’s September Issue? Advertising that Looks Just Like Content

Native advertising and print advertising have collided thanks to a quiz from People's StyleWatch. By using the quiz to generate traffic online, advertisers were able to receive more exposure -- and StyleWatch was able to fund its biggest September issue yet.The Stylewatch quiz was similar to a sponsored quiz, using just eight questions to match users to their "celebrity style twin." Unlike a Buzzfeed quiz, however, StyleWatch readers could click on embedded links to purchase the 600 clothing items, accessories and beauty products featured in the quiz. Of the fashion items shown in the quiz, around 25% of them made it into the September issue. The issue will contain 203 pages of advertising, a 6.6% increase from last year, according to Media Industry Newsletter's editor-in-c...
Involuntary Eye Movements Could Indicate Whether or Not a Patient Has ADHD

Involuntary Eye Movements Could Indicate Whether or Not a Patient Has ADHD

Researchers recently discovered a new way to diagnose attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, in patients. According to an August 14 PsychCentral article, researchers at Tel Aviv University have found that monitoring involuntary eye movements in patients is an accurate way to diagnose ADHD. This method of diagnosis is the first physiological diagnostic tool for ADHD, which is a disorder that inhibits one's ability to focus, among other symptoms. It is also the most diagnosed and misdiagnosed disorder in the U.S., according to PsychCentral. "Often my ADHD coaching clients are misdiagnosed and they end up taking medication for something they don't have," says Coach Juli of "It makes sense that rapid eye movements would be a sign since the ADHD brain is typi...
Amazon Breaks Into Competitive Mobile POS Market

Amazon Breaks Into Competitive Mobile POS Market

Amazon's already burst into the media selling, publishing and smartphone markets, and now it's looking to expand it's empire into mobile point-of-sale solutions. Though it'll go up against many POS providers jostling for dominance, it's generous pricing model for first-time users may give it an advantage.On Wednesday, Amazon released a mobile card reader called Amazon Local Register, which will compete with similar devices from companies like Paypal, ROAM and Square. Like the other products, the device works in tandem with apps for Google Android and Apple iOS, as well as the FireOS on the new Amazon Fire. Merchants running Amazon Local Register can access the funds from transactions within one business day, though they'll be able to spend them within only a few minutes on ...
Ukranian Developer Gets $1.5 Million to Rollout Waiter-Free Restaurant Payment System

Ukranian Developer Gets $1.5 Million to Rollout Waiter-Free Restaurant Payment System

Many companies are looking into new technologies to make bill payment at restaurants waiter-free through the use of smartphone apps and mobile payment systems that connect to restaurant POS systems.Capitalizing on this trend are PayPal's 'Pay at Table' service and it's partner MyCheck in Tel Aviv as well as start-ups like Dash, Tabbedout and Cover in the US and Flypay in the UK. Now, Ukranian start-up Settle is looking to throw it's hat in the ring.Settle recently got a $1.5 million funding injection from a venture fund called Life based in Moscow. The funds will be used to roll out the new technology in Eastern Europe, starting in Kiev and followed by large releases in Moscow and Warsaw. Settle will provide customers at restaurants with a mobile payment service that allows you to order...
Copenhagen Hopes to Cut Emissions Through Streetlight Experiment

Copenhagen Hopes to Cut Emissions Through Streetlight Experiment

The City of Copenhagen, located in Denmark, has decided to use their city as a huge experiment, in order to figure out whether energy efficient street lamps -- also called smart lights -- will actually help cut carbon emissions on a measurable level. According to Denmark's official website, the city plans to be a "role model for many of the world's cities when it come to sustainable town development." Copenhagen has been making extensive efforts to become known as a leading city for green technology. Along with the smart light experiment, they have announced a citywide climate change plan that has the lofty goal of making the city "carbon neutral" by 2025. This means that carbon emission levels will be cut so dramatically as to be essentially insignificant and completely negated by o...
Simon Cowell and Son Take Epic Selfie

Simon Cowell and Son Take Epic Selfie

X Factor and former American Idol judge Simon Cowell recently posted on Twitter the most adorable selfie with his six month old son Eric Cowell. The two sported Cowell's favorite iconic designer Ray Ban sunglasses on his luxury yacht on Wednesday August 13 as he and his girlfriend Lauren Silverman enjoyed the scenery. Cowell just recently became a first-time father when little Eric was born this past Valentine's Day. The 54 year-old British music critic sensation enjoys his privacy, but this picture was too cute to keep to himself and had to share it with his followers. Cowell is usually spotted wearing his Ray Bans while on the go and seems to be teaching his son Eric how to be a suave Hollywood star. Sunglasses first become popular during the 1930's when actors and actresses would ...
New Bug Spray Labeling Will Help Fill in the Blanks of Consumer Knowledge

New Bug Spray Labeling Will Help Fill in the Blanks of Consumer Knowledge

How often should you be reapplying bug spray? The U.S. government is rolling out new product labeling for bug spray in order tohelp Americans reduce their likelihood of developing the illnesses that insects like mosquitoes and ticks spread from person to person. The updated graphic will indicate just how long consumers should expect bug spray to protect them from biting outdoor insects. It was developed by the Environmental Protection Agency, and will start showing up in stores next year, giving bug spray companies time to adjust accordingly. Although bug-spray manufacturers are not required to change their labels, if they do want to showcase the new graphic, they will need to submit data to the government showing that the product will actually work for as long as the graphic claims ...
Surprise Roofing Deductibles Appear in Homeowner’s Policies

Surprise Roofing Deductibles Appear in Homeowner’s Policies

If you haven't checked out your homeowner's policy within the last six months, you may be in for a less-than-pleasant surprise from a potentially expensive new deductible sneaking it's way into many policies.Most homeowners write one deductible into their policy, set anywhere from 250$ to $1,000 depending on how much the homeowner is willing to pay. However, homeowners who request insurance quotes are finding out that many large insurance providers are slipping in a new deductible for hail, wind, and other types of damage that seems to be particularly focused on conditions that can damage roofs. Unfortunately, these deductibles aren't set dollar amounts, and they aren't determined by homeowners. They're set by large companies like Farmers, Allstate and State Farm and they deduct a perce...
Affordable Care Act Grant Helps Open Emergency Dental Clinic

Affordable Care Act Grant Helps Open Emergency Dental Clinic

Each year, thousands of people visit hospital emergency rooms for dental maladies that aren't life-threatening emergencies. In fact, a quarter of Americans who have health insurance don't have dental insurance -- which prompts them to go to an emergency room when they have a dental concern. The resulting effect is longer wait times at emergency rooms and skyrocketing costs for emergency room visits -- which the Affordable Care Act is looking to reverse by offering grants to help fund the construction of emergency dental clinics. According to an August 7 Asbury Park Press article, one such dental clinic that has received this funding is Asbury Park, N.J.'s Dr. Barry D. Elbaum Dental Center at the Monmouth Family Health Center, which will open its expanded practice and emergency den...

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