High Teen Pregnancy Rates in Some U.S. Counties Present Challenges for State, Local Agencies
While teen pregnancies are down overall in the United States, hitting record lows since the early 1990s, some areas of the country are experiencing higher teen birth rates than state and national averages. But concerned citizens from schools, teen pregnancy centers, and government agencies are putting their heads together to figure out how to curb the trend -- and support the young women who have already given birth.
In Ector County, Texas, where the city of Odessa is the county seat, there are 87.41 teen births per 1,000 -- a number that outpaces those for the state by two-to-one, and for the country by about three-to-one. Officials from school programs and the health department met on Friday, Jan. 9 to discuss potential solutions to the growing problem.
The gathering, held in the Mesa ...