Thursday, March 13

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‘Fat Cat Tuesday’ Highlights Wage Gap Between Workers and Executives In the UK

Executive staffing agencies are constantly looking for the best candidate for the right position, but with pay steadily rising it can be hard to pull someone away from the employment they're familiar with. The vast discrepancy of pay between the executives and front-line workers in most companies is nothing new, but it's also not getting any better. At least not in the U.K., where chief executives are silently celebrating the colloquial holiday known as "Fat Cat Tuesday." According to the global adviser and industry news source, Jan. 5 has become known as the date that chief executives will have already made more in the new year than the average worker will make in the entire year. This is based off of information from a UK-based independent think-tank, High Pay Cen...
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Studies Show Why Clinical Trials are Failing

The European Medicines Agency met in December to discuss clinical trials, but the results were not favorable. They delivered a message that no one in the trials community wanted to hear: they are pushing back legislation on clinical medicine trials. Many hoped to see progress with new trial rules for Europe, but earlier confirmations showed that the regulations -- which were finalized in May 2014 and said to begin in May 2016 -- would be pushed back to 2017 at least. This latest announcement pushes them back even further, to a likely date of October 2018. Thousands of drugs are synthesized during the research and development stage, but just one in 5,000 will actually make it through clinical trials and the approval of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or other governing body. So ...
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The Internet Makes Up Six Percent of U.S. Economy

The Internet generates 6% of the U.S. economy and connects 92% of U.S. residents with the broader world, according to a new Internet Association study. "The results of this study are incredibly exciting for all of us who care about and advocate for the continued growth of the Internet economy, its companies and the users they serve," Michael Beckerman, president of the Internet Association, told U.S. News and World Report. The trade group, which represents companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon, estimates that businesses directly involved with the Internet, such as eCommerce, social media, and web design companies, generated about $966 billion during 2014. Even more amazing, the value of the Internet-related businesses' contributions grew 110% between 2007 and 2012 -- faster tha...
El Nino to Bring Rain and Snow to Somewhat Foreign Places
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El Nino to Bring Rain and Snow to Somewhat Foreign Places

For most parts of the country, especially the Northeast, this winter has been incredibly mild, and one might even dare to say quite pleasant. While more typical weather for the time of year has now begun to take hold in most of these regions, people living out west might experience the same sort of atypical phenomenon, but in reverse effect. Rain and snow have already started to fall in San Francisco and parts of Northern California in what many are predicting as early signs of El Nino. According to CBS Sacramento and other reports, light rain started in the area on Sunday, and by early Tuesday morning, downtown Sacramento had accumulated 1.1 inches of rainfall. While this amount is hardly significant, the predictions of harsh rain and snow -- in a region without heavy duty snow plows -...
Browns QB Johnny Manziel Partied in Vegas — With a Blonde Wig and Fake Mustache — While Teammates Prepared for Season Finale
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Browns QB Johnny Manziel Partied in Vegas — With a Blonde Wig and Fake Mustache — While Teammates Prepared for Season Finale

Rarely does a situation turn out well when it involves a blonde wig, a fake mustache, and a Planet Hollywood casino in Las Vegas. For Cleveland Browns quarterback Johnny Manziel, however, it was just another night on the town -- specifically, it was a night when his teammates were preparing for the regular season finale on the following Sunday without a clue as to Manziel's location. A statement from ESPN Las Vegas reads: We all know Vegas stories can get extremely crazy involving celebrities. This is going to sound wild, and maybe hard to believe, but this is what we’re hearing regarding Johnny Manziel. Our sources tell us Manziel was at a popular night club on the strip Saturday night. The QB entered wearing a blonde wig, a fake mustache, glasses, and a hoodie. Manziel int...
Despite Severe Danger Warnings, Leeds Students Spotted Whitewater Rafting Through Flooded City
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Despite Severe Danger Warnings, Leeds Students Spotted Whitewater Rafting Through Flooded City

After an onslaught of heavy rainfall throughout the holiday season, residents in Leeds are facing serious flooding, with entire homes and businesses devastated from the rising water levels. On December 27, officials from the the Environmental issued a red warning for several parts of the city, including the city center, warning that entering these areas poses a major "risk to life." Despite these high alerts, Leeds students ignored the Environmental Agency's warnings, and on Boxing Day, were spotted gliding down Kirkstall Road on a whitewater raft. But after the River Aire burst its banks, the water flooded into neighboring streets and neighborhoods, where the university students were found careening through a scene that was described by many as "apocalyptic." In the United States...
FDA May Redefine What is Considered ‘Natural’
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FDA May Redefine What is Considered ‘Natural’

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has now agreed to extend the comment period for food industry groups to give their opinion on the use of the word "natural." They are currently in discussions about whether a change is needed or not in terms of what the word "natural" denotes on labels. Back in November, the debate began when the FDA originally asked for comments on the issue. They asked the public to weigh in on whether they should define and regulate what natural means on products. However, the agency said it did not plan to address food production such as pesticides, food processing, thermal technologies, irradiation, or pasteurization. Pasteurization is the processing used in milk and its products by which the milk is heated to 161 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 seconds, followed ...
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Steel Shipping Containers Being Installed in Calais to House Over 1,500 Migrants

As conditions continue to worsen in the French port city of Calais, steel shipping containers are being installed provide basic shelter and protection for migrants in the region. According to The Daily Mail, the shipping container camp is located next to the Jungle migrant camp that is currently housing more than 4,500 refugees fleeing war and poverty in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. Most migrants in the Jungle have small tents that are not suited for harsh winter weather. The containers will allow them to brave cold temperatures as they bide their time before trying to cross the English Channel and start a new life. The new container buildings came as the result of a joint lawsuit filed by two French charities: Medecins du Monde and Secours Catholique. They demanded improvem...
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Amazon Rivaling Etsy with New Marketplace for Handcrafted Goods

Amazon has evolved by leaps and bounds since its humble beginnings as an online bookstore, and it is now helping small business owners who create handcrafted items to reach more customers. According to local Florida news affiliate WFLA, Amazon's Handmade, an online marketplace for crafts and trinkets, is helping many entrepreneurs to gain national brand exposure. Laura Glover of Tampa Bay, FL is the owner of Burlap and Boards, a shop that turns discarded wood pallets into masterpieces. She chose to list her shop on Handmade because of Amazon's built-in following and high domain authority. "You have the brand power of Amazon and also the great searchability," said Glover. "It's all about getting your name out there, I have neighbors that don't even know I do this in my driveway." ...
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Don’t You Want a Say in Your End-of-Life Care?

End-of-life care is a controversial issue that pits the hopeful wishes of patients against the realities put forth by doctors. While most see this care as a natural right for everyone, The Lund Report of Oregon states that researchers at Stanford University have found evidence indicating that the quality of end-of-life care can hinge on several factors. These include the patient's financial means, ability to communicate with health providers, and even family conflicts, as opposed to simply ethnic disparities, as the researchers had originally assumed. Their findings came as a result of a study of 300 white, Asian and African-American seniors throughout the San Francisco Bay area. The group included 38 African-Americans, 160 Asian-Americans and 117 Caucasians. The study’s lead auth...

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