Friday, February 7

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Drive Electric Week Shows How Electric Cars Have Carved a Place For Themselves

Hybrid cars may not seem quintessentially "cool," but they sell themselves. All it takes is one conversation with a hybrid driver. At least, that's what it seems like to 34-year-old Orlando resident Thron Crowe. "Every year it's the same kinds of questions, which is great because it means more people are learning about it," Crowe told the Orlando Sentinel about his experience as the driver of a Nissan Leaf. "They recognize the car and it'll be either a five-minute or one-hour conversation. Next thing you know, they say they are getting one." Talking about electric cars is just one of the things Crowe likes doing, and it's exactly what he did at Valencia College's celebration of Drive Electric Week, which featured renewable energy experts from around the local area, including city off...

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