Friday, March 7


Why Suing Your Ex-Employee First Can Save You Money

Why Suing Your Ex-Employee First Can Save You Money

A labor dispute with a former employee can be a complex and costly process. While the idea of suing an ex-employee might seem counterintuitive, it can actually be a strategic move that saves you money and expedites resolution. Here’s how pursuing legal action against a former employee can benefit you and your business.  Video Source 1. Turn Counterclaims to Your Advantage When a former employee sues you for labor claims, it can be challenging to defend against such accusations. However, if you have legitimate claims against that employee—such as theft, defamation, or starting a competing business—filing your own lawsuit or counterclaim can shift some of the risk and pressure back onto the employee and their attorney. By doing so, you may force them to confront your claims, which can...
What Industries Use Steel Adhesives?

What Industries Use Steel Adhesives?

Steel adhesives, known for their high strength and durability, are essential in various industries. Here’s a closer look at the industries that utilize them. Automotive Industry In the automotive industry, steel adhesives are pivotal in assembling vehicle bodies and components. Traditional welding and riveting methods are being complemented or replaced by adhesives due to their ability to distribute stress evenly, reduce weight, and enhance crash performance. For instance, adhesives are used in bonding panels, reinforcing beams, and attaching various components like trims and seals. The result is lighter vehicles with improved fuel efficiency and enhanced safety features. Video Source Construction Industry The construction industry extensively uses steel adhesives for structural b...
9 Marketable Skills That Pay Well

9 Marketable Skills That Pay Well

The job market is constantly evolving. Some jobs that used to be lucrative a few years ago are no longer in demand, while new ones continue to emerge. The skills you hold today could be obsolete tomorrow.   If you are to sail through this uncertainty, you need to equip yourself with marketable skills that pay well. Besides giving you a higher salary, these skills allow you the freedom to change jobs and even industries. You also don't need to be a genius to learn or return to college for a four-year degree. Here are nine most marketable skills that pay well.   Fluency in a Foreign Language Fluency in a foreign language is among the most marketable skills that pay well. The foreign language classes you took in grade school could be your ticket to a high-paying job. ...
What Independent Auto Service Techs Do on a Daily Basis

What Independent Auto Service Techs Do on a Daily Basis

Independent auto service technicians embrace their mission passionately from dawn to sunset. With their trusty toolkits, they set out daily to find out what's wrong with cars, fix them, and ensure they're running perfectly. Their shops are busy places where engines hum, wrenches turn, and problems are solved with skill and hard work. In addition to their technical skills, these techs are experts at making customers happy with their services. Let's step into their world and discover what goes on in the daily life of independent auto service techs. Provide Essential Fleet Services Running a fleet of vehicles and ensuring they are in mint condition is no easy task. Auto service techs come to your aid to ensure the vehicles run well and are cared for. The fleet services range from maintenanc...
Improve Employee Engagement This Summer

Improve Employee Engagement This Summer

Unhappy employees cost American businesses more than $300 billion in wasted productivity, turnover, and sick days each year. And while many people feel like the winter season causes the biggest productivity slump, the summer months can also make for plenty of distractions and disengagement. So don't leave your employees to stare longingly out the window at the perfect weather waiting for their shift to end so they can go out and enjoy it. There are a number of quick and easy steps you can take as a dutiful employer to improve both productivity and engagement during the summer season. Here are just a few ideas to try this summer to boost engagement and overall company culture. Arrange a Competitive (But Friendly) Sports Night Many organizations have team-based friendly sports competiti...
Wal-Mart Tops the List for IT Spending in 2015

Wal-Mart Tops the List for IT Spending in 2015

Starting a new company is exciting! But it requires a ton of attention to detail, a clear idea of what needs to be done and a road map for how to accomplish those goals. Many entrepreneurs have great ideas but struggle when it comes to implementation, often losing momentum when getting critical business systems established. Many companies that are too small to run their own internal technology departments still need access to efficient communication tools turn to managed IT companies. Read on for everything you need to know about top IT service providers for small businesses. What does managed services mean? Another way of asking this question is, "What is a msp company?" MSP stands for a managed service provider. These companies essentially deli...
Smaller Pharmacy Networks Benefit Pharmacy Chains, Study Shows

Smaller Pharmacy Networks Benefit Pharmacy Chains, Study Shows

How can pharmacies play a role in reducing prescription drug abuse? It may be as simple as limiting which pharmacies a patient has access to, according to a new study. But will it hurt patients' medical care -- and the success of smaller pharmacies -- in the process? The jury still seems to be out. This was the question asked by a study, focused on CVS Pharmacies, that was recently published in the academic journal JAMA Internal Medicine by Dr. William Shrank, a senior vice president and chief scientific officer of CVS Health. The primary finding was that if insurance companies shrink their pharmacy networks -- thereby making it more difficult for patients to access a pharmacy that accepts their insurance plan -- the number of prescriptions actually filled by patients drops dramatically....
People Are Camping Out at Chik-fil-A

People Are Camping Out at Chik-fil-A

Americans love camping. So much so -- in fact -- that in 2013 they spent a total of about 516.6 million days doing so. Americans also love Chik-fil-A. In 2011, the fast food chain reportedly sold a staggering nine sandwiches per second. So when the fast food chain offered a free meal per week for a year to some lucky contest winners, people naturally lined up from all over the country and camped out at the participating restaurants. "Before there were people coming from Illinois, there were people coming from Alabama and they would travel for a few weeks going from state to state, and that’s the reason why before I didn’t get in," Stephanie Robertson, who had previously attempted attending a Chik-fil-A opening, told WSB-TV. She was turned away when there were 200 others in front of her. ...
Rising Dental Fees Forces U.S. Seniors to Seek Dentists in Mexico

Rising Dental Fees Forces U.S. Seniors to Seek Dentists in Mexico

As dental expenses continue to rise, seniors without dental insurance have begun to look for new alternatives. For many seniors, this means crossing the border to Mexico. Each year, more and more Americans adopt a dental plan. Currently, about 60% of U.S. citizens are covered by dental insurance, the highest percentage of coverage in years. Despite this, a recent 2013 Harris Interactive survey commissioned by Oral Health America showed that nearly 70% of U.S. seniors do not have dental insurance. This leaves many seniors unable to access the care they need to protect their teeth. Most government-based programs such as Medicare do not offer dental insurance, and many employers lack a post-retirement dental insurance program. While there are dental care insurance options through the recent...
Unlocking Goosebumps: an Innovative Marketing Approach

Unlocking Goosebumps: an Innovative Marketing Approach

In 1992, Robert Lawrence Stine began penning what was supposed to be a run of six horror stories for children, but wound up becoming a cultural phenomenon that beat out Madonna's Sex and The Anarchist Cookbook on the The Top 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books List. Now, Goosebumps has been transformed into a blockbuster, and the movie is getting a big boost in online buzz thanks to a new Twitter feature: autoplay ads. In preparation for the fall release of Goosebumps, Sony has been running autoplay ads that star the film's hero -- Jack Black as author R.L. Stine -- and its villain -- a creepy ventriloquist's dummy named Slappy, which some may remember from Night of the Living Dummy. According to Ad Week, Twitter found that when it was testing its autoplay videos that users were 2.5 ti...

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