UPDATED 12/22/20
Portland is known for keeping things weird, but this year’s Starlight Parade Grand Marshal takes weird to a whole new level. It’s an anthropomorphic carpet, complete with plastic eyes, a seat belt, and a baseball cap.
Portland airport PDX announced earlier this year that the iconic carpet would be removed and replaced. The carpet itself was teal with a pink and blue geometric pattern, and its replacement sparked nostalgia and mourning for many Portland residents, for whom the sight of the carpet meant that they were home.
According to NCB affiliate KGW, the Portland Rose Festival Foundation announced that a rolled up and vaguely humanized rolled up section of the beloved PDX carpet will serve as the grand marshal for the 2015 Starlight Parade.
“In any other city in this country, it would likely be considered weird to name a carpet as grand marshal of a major parade,” said parade chairman Jeff Deering. “But this is Portland, Oregon, and we do weird very well here.”
The carpet is so well-loved in Portland that four different companies and organizations are creating products repurposed from the old carpeting, USA Today reports.
“A nice area rug or carpet regardless of the composition is like fine art,” said Brian Ferrentino, owner of Windy City Carpet Cleaning. “We love the fact that companies are finding creative uses for recycled carpets to create other products in an eco friendly manner.”
The carpet undoubtedly needed replacing after its 30 year tenure in the airport — experts say that carpets need professional cleaning about once a year and high traffic areas should be cleaned quarterly. However, after so many years of wear and the accumulation of dirt and dust (about 2,000 dust mites can live comfortably in a single ounce of carpet dust), every carpet’s life must come to an end.
Though the famous PDX carpet will no longer appear in hipsters’ Instagram posts or adorn the floor of the airport, it will live on in creative re-purposing and as the grand marshal of the May 30 parade.
Not all of us can re-home our beloved carpets or rugs, however. Carpets and rugs are made from cotton, silk, wool, and at times, synthetic material. Rugs are smaller in size than carpets, making them easier to clean. Carpets are large, requiring heavy duty carpet cleaning services. Below are the best cleaning methods for rugs and carpets:
You’ll usually use shampoo on stubborn stains that require thorough extraction. It’s best when cleaning heavily soiled carpets. You need to find carpet cleaners for thorough cleaning. Nevertheless, this method has its limitations. The foam produced attracts dust and dirt. Therefore, the cleaning professionals have to perform a deep carpet vacuum.
Dry Extraction Cleaning
This is considered one of the most reliable methods. Few resources are needed, making it very economical. You just use cleaning powder to open carpet fiber, which helps deep clean the carpet. The cleaning powder and the soil are then removed using a vacuum.
Bonnet Cleaning
Professional cleaners use this method to remove dust, soil, grime, and dirt. They mix cleaning products and carbonated water for spraying over the carpet. These absorb soil and dirt, leaving your carpet clean. You may also want to consider a heavy duty carpet cleaning service for larger carpets or if you have carpets in several rooms.
Steam Cleaning
This method dissolves dust by applying high-pressure hot water. Natural cleaning agents are used to clean stains on your rug. The rug steam cleaning method takes more time due to the drying period. Before hiring, compare rug cleaners and choose the best. Carpets and rugs need regular cleaning. Make sure to choose the best cleaning services. Different methods can be used for the best results. Shampooing, dry extraction cleaning, bonnet cleaning, and steam cleaning are among the best methods.
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