The world of photography evolves as fast as technology does. And if you think you’ve seen it all after watching tourists take photos with their iPads, think again — the hottest new way to capture images from a height is the drone.
According to a July 16 Huffington Post article, the first-ever Drone Photography Competition recently launched, recognizing photographic voyeurs for outstanding aerial photographs taken from a remotely-piloted drone.
The competition, organized by Dronestagram in collaboration with National Geographic magazine and camera manufacturer GoPro, gave out 1st, 2nd and 3rd-place awards for the Judge’s Choice, as well as trophies to the three most liked photos on Dronestagram’s website, the Huffington Post reported.
The prizes for Dronestagram’s contest were awarded to photographers from around the world, according to theHuffington Post. The three Judge’s Choice awards went to photographers from Indonesia, the Philippines and France.
“Picking winners was a very difficult task especially because of the great quality of the photos that have been submitted,” Dronestagram said on its website. “We tried to reward the photos that show the best the fantastic potential offered by drones in terms of image.”