Thursday, March 27

Month: December 2020

4 Reasons Why Funeral Live Streaming Is Gaining Popularity

4 Reasons Why Funeral Live Streaming Is Gaining Popularity

Funeral live streaming is a trend that is slowly gaining popularity worldwide. Although some people are unsure about it and still insist on traditional funeral services, 9 out of 10 services held have several people who are unable to attend due to unavoidable circumstances. Live streaming a funeral allows flexibility and freedom. It is essential to acknowledge the importance of paying your last respects to a loved one even though you are not there physically. Fortunately, being part of the service can be made possible through a funeral webcast. This calls for some form of open-mindedness and for you to accept change. Read on to learn a few reasons as to why funeral live streaming should be embraced. 1. It Allows People to Grieve Together While it is expected that people drop whate...
The Best Holiday Gifts to Buy This Year

The Best Holiday Gifts to Buy This Year

This time of year a lot of people are on the hunt for that special gift for our family, friends, or loved ones. It may be challenging to figure out what to get for who. The options and sales are endless this year. No matter your search, here are the best holiday gifts this year for you to get. Gifts for Garden Lovers Many of us are spending the holiday this year in different parts of the world. Whether you have a family member who lives in another country, state, or city, flowers are the safest route to go. Ordering online makes this process a lot easier as flower shops put together pictures for your potential purchase. When ordering online, you can ask for the online flower delivery. Receiving flowers brightens so many people's day. Getting these on Valentine's Day is a huge stap...

Retired Army Major Rows His Tiny Boat Dubbed ‘Tintanic’ To Benefit Hospice The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly sparked some creativity and innovation this year around the world. This is especially the case for Michael Stanley, an 80-year-old retired British army major living in the UK. Stanley, formerly known as "Major Mick," served in the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards for 35 years. He decided to do something unique when places started shutting down due to the outbreak of COVID-19. Instead of staying cooped up inside, Stanley built a home-made fishing boat. Not only that, but he also embarked on a quest to row his fishing boat 100 miles to benefit St. Wilfrid's Hospice in Bosham, UK. The tiny but mighty boat, cleverly named "Tintanic," was constructed using two sheets of corrugated iron, curtain hooks, and hose...
Tips and Tricks for a Healthy Winter

Tips and Tricks for a Healthy Winter

Healthy living is an essential element of many people’s lifestyles. This involves having the right diet and getting plenty of exercise. While this is no small task, dieting and exercise can be relatively easier during certain times of the year. The summer months can feature the nice weather that is perfect for a nice run. Fresh fruits and vegetables are also in season this time of year. Unfortunately, healthy living can be rather difficult in the winter months. Many healthy living enthusiasts can fall off the wagon during the winter. Don’t let the hard work you put in during the rest of the year be for not in the winter months. Follow these tips and tricks for a healthy winter. Barriers to healthy winter living The cold winter months present kind of a tricky situation to someone who ...

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