Thursday, March 27

Month: December 2015

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Amazon Rivaling Etsy with New Marketplace for Handcrafted Goods

Amazon has evolved by leaps and bounds since its humble beginnings as an online bookstore, and it is now helping small business owners who create handcrafted items to reach more customers. According to local Florida news affiliate WFLA, Amazon's Handmade, an online marketplace for crafts and trinkets, is helping many entrepreneurs to gain national brand exposure. Laura Glover of Tampa Bay, FL is the owner of Burlap and Boards, a shop that turns discarded wood pallets into masterpieces. She chose to list her shop on Handmade because of Amazon's built-in following and high domain authority. "You have the brand power of Amazon and also the great searchability," said Glover. "It's all about getting your name out there, I have neighbors that don't even know I do this in my driveway." ...
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Don’t You Want a Say in Your End-of-Life Care?

End-of-life care is a controversial issue that pits the hopeful wishes of patients against the realities put forth by doctors. While most see this care as a natural right for everyone, The Lund Report of Oregon states that researchers at Stanford University have found evidence indicating that the quality of end-of-life care can hinge on several factors. These include the patient's financial means, ability to communicate with health providers, and even family conflicts, as opposed to simply ethnic disparities, as the researchers had originally assumed. Their findings came as a result of a study of 300 white, Asian and African-American seniors throughout the San Francisco Bay area. The group included 38 African-Americans, 160 Asian-Americans and 117 Caucasians. The study’s lead auth...
Could the Medicine You Take for Your Headaches Also Prevent Alzheimer’s?
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Could the Medicine You Take for Your Headaches Also Prevent Alzheimer’s?

While there may be treatments that can reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, an all out cure has still managed to elude the medical field. However, BBC News reports that a recent study conducted by Korean scientists and published in Nature Communications has shown promise in reducing the brain cell-killing plaque that accumulates in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Scientists have reasoned in the past that preventing or removing these plaques could be the key to treating Alzheimer's. Even though some other drugs have been effective in preventing the formation of this plaque to an extent if taken early on, there are still no methods to remove existing plaque. While the exact mechanism that eradicates abnormal buildups of this plaque is still unclear, 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-pi...
Featured News

Chiropractor Develops Football Collar Intended to Prevent Neck Injuries and Concussions

As critics continue to scrutinize the NFL for their timid response to a growing concussion problem, a chiropractor has invented a protective collar that aims to prevent neck injuries and head trauma in players of all ages. According to Fox News, Patrick Kerr, a practicing chiropractor, recently introduced the Kerr Collar, a lightweight device placed inside a player's shoulder pads that drastically reduces the impact from devastating hits. The Kerr Collar shortens the gap between a player's pads and helmet, which means that the force from hits is more evenly distributed. Kerr noted that the emphasis being placed on helmet quality is not enough, and focusing on the neck's role in concussions is an important step in addressing this widespread problem. "I wanted to create a system where the...
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San Francisco Police Commission Debates Body Camera Regulations Following Deadly Shooting

After a fatal shooting in San Francisco's Bayview neighborhood, the city has voted on a crucial issue that could change the way police handle dangerous situations. The shooting took place near Third Street and Paul Avenue around 4:50 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 2. The suspect, a man in his 20s, was involved in an earlier stabbing near the area and had not responded to demands to drop his weapon. Before shooting the suspect, police had fired a standard bean bag gun several times, according to police Chief Greg Suhr. "This suspect had already shown by committing a felony aggravated assault that he was a danger to others, so he could not be allowed to move away from the scene," Suhr told CBS San Francisco reporters. A bystander caught the shooting on a cell phone camera and uploaded t...
Have Control Over Your Garage Door From Anywhere Around the Globe
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Have Control Over Your Garage Door From Anywhere Around the Globe

Garages are a great addition to any home, but what are the risks involved with owning one? Authorities in Austin, TX, are currently urging residents to make extra efforts to secure their garages after a string of break-ins. Thieves actually stole and used garage door openers to gain entrance, reports KVUE NBC. Over the span of a few weeks, there were over a dozen reported break-ins just in the Wells Branch Neighborhood in North Austin. One of the victims, homeowner Michelle Quintanilla, was sleeping when the culprits broke into her garage and caused damage to her car while attempting to get inside. "They tried to hit it a couple of times, I don't know if they were trying to break into it to hit it," said Quintanilla, pointing out several large scratches on the window of her car...
New Divorce Map Denotes How Friendly (or Unpleasant) the Average Separation is in Each U.S. State
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New Divorce Map Denotes How Friendly (or Unpleasant) the Average Separation is in Each U.S. State

Divorce is a sticky subject, and while some couples manage to escape on good terms, a recent study shows that some U.S. states tend to produce messier divorces than others. According to The Enterprise, a color-coded map showing the average divorce amicability for couples in each state was recently unveiled by, an online divorce form preparation service. The map uses three different colors that fill in the states, each representing the average level of friendliness shared by couples during a separation. States that are green typically breed "amicable divorces," orange states are "cordial," and the red states are deemed to be "disagreeable" in most cases. In basic terms, the average divorce in a "green" state is comparable to that of celebrities Bruce Willis and Dem...
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2 Spas Shut Down for Prostitution

A spa in Franklin, WI, and a spa in Mount Joy, PA, have been closed this week on prostitution charges. The incidents are unrelated but draw attention to those working with home massage kits masquerading as businesses. Franklin's Shuying Ding has been charged with a felony, according to court papers, for disguising prostitution with a spa. The charge comes after several of Ding's neighbors reported unusual traffic at her King Sunshine Spa, which is located near 27th Street and Rawson Avenue. “We never saw any women going in there. It was always middle-aged men,” said Jennie Dingman, who works next door. Those living and working around the spa decided to move forward with complaints to the police after finding ads proclaiming that the spa offered "sexy relaxation." Following thes...
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Elementary Schools Throw Christmas Pajamas Party To Help Homeless Kids

In a heartwarming tale out of Trenton, NJ, a group of elementary school students are learning firsthand the importance of giving back to their community. Five years ago, a non-profit called Christine's Hope for Kids partnered with the Trenton Catholic Academy Lower School for the Pajama Day program. Since then, it's become one of the non-profit's most popular programs and spread to other New Jersey elementary schools. To raise money, the kids and their families pay a small fee to be able to wear their pajamas to school. Christine's Hope for Kids then matches the funds the students raise dollar-for-dollar. Those funds are then used to buy pajamas, teddy bears, books, toothbrushes, and other toiletries for local homeless children. "Pajamas are fun clothing for kids, especially when ...
Sign Company Unveils New Illuminated Signs for Trucks to Increase Brand Exposure
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Sign Company Unveils New Illuminated Signs for Trucks to Increase Brand Exposure

Truck drivers may soon be getting more attention from drivers than the normal "arm tug" to ask for a honk of the horn, and it's all thanks to one company's idea to illuminate their signs. According to FleetOwner, sign company CNP Signs and Graphics recently announced a new patent for an illuminated truck sign. The lit-up signs will help truck owners and companies to display their name or logo more prominently during the nighttime, which in turn will increase their brand exposure. "Through this patented innovation, a company's logo can be custom-made and illuminated so that it can be seen around the clock on trucks," CNP said in a statement. "Once a mold is created of a company's logo, backlit signs utilizing LEDs are produced that adhere to both the tractor and the trailer. This p...

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