Sunday, March 9

New Helmet Technology Helps Keep Motorcyclists Safe

For many years, car drivers have avoided collisions through the use of an additional, third brake light located in the rear window at eye level. These brake lights have served as an effective warning system, especially in situations where traffic is packed, which makes low-lying taillights hard to see.Motorcycles have not benefited from this innovation, as the entire vehicle of the motorcycle is located closer to the ground. Now, however, a similar safety feature is available.

For motorcyclists concerned about safety, it is now possible to have brake lights on the back of one’s helmet. The Whistler WHL-80 Helmet safety light has LED lights that can be attached to any helmet. A wireless transmitter allows one’s helmet lights to communicate with the motorcycle wiring so that the lights accurately reflect movement.

The helmet allows motorcycle riders to have a higher profile that can show whether a driver is stopping, turning left, or turning right. The light uses a built-in, rechargeable battery.

“Rider education and extra lighting on motorcycles is very important, the less chance of incident and injury increases the enjoy-ability when riding,” says Greg Rice of Greg’s Custom Cycles in Clearwater Florida. “The more you can be seen, whether its riding with your high beam on or increased illumination, will benefit rider safety.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control, wearing a helmet is essential for ensuring motorcyclist safety. As of May 2012, 19 states have a universal helmet law requiring all riders and passengers to wear helmet, and 28 states have a partial helmet law. Only three states have no law regarding helmets.Because of the issues with other drivers seeing motorcycle lights, the CDC recommends that motorcyclists avoid tailgating. Perhaps one day, in order to ensure even less accidents and injuries, states will pass laws requiring helmet brake lights.

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