The only things that most app games can offer by way of prizes are places on high score leader boards, in-game currency, or bragging rights. Glu’s Kim Kardashian: Hollywood game, though, offers something quite a bit better.
The freemium mobile game developer recently announced that whoever plays the game between March 20 and March 30 will have a chance to meet the real Kim Kardashian.
“We’re excited to offer players of Kim Kardashian: Hollywood the potential opportunity to meet Mrs. Kardashian West,” said Niccolo de Masi, CEO of Glu, in a statement. “This transmedia offering, connecting Kim’s virtual and physical worlds, is unique to Glu’s celebrity gaming platform. Fans of the game have been unwavering in their support and their ongoing feedback continues to shape future updates. To all of the fans, thank you and best of luck!”
In order to win the “Meet Kim Sweepstakes!” players must earn golden “K-Tickets” by completing five-star projects in the game during the period of time. This means having to do photo shoots, appearances, film and TV shoots, and modeling gigs in the game.
At the end of the time period, five winners will be selected to not only be flown out to California to meet Kardashian, but to also receive round-trip airfare, hotel accommodations, and a meet-and-greet.
“Offering the chance to win something otherwise out of reach, such as meeting a celebrity, is a fantastic way to encourage participation in a game,” said Jennifer Valentino, marketing and account manager for National Sweepstakes Company, LLC. “Given the exposure of this particular celebrity, I’d say the chances of increased downloads during the sweepstakes entry period are quite high.”
The game has been a cash cow for Glu ever since its launch last June. Over its first five days, it collected a cool $1.6 million, and more than $43 million more over the next three months. Though it might have slipped down to No. 31 on the top-grossing list on App Annie, its celebrity status gives it free user acquisition — each time Kardashian tweets about the game to her 30.2 million Twitter followers, it gets new users.
If a tweet can get scores of new users for an app that already generates millions so easily, it’ll be interesting to see just what such a sweepstakes can do for Glu.