Saturday, March 1

Deadly Hail Storm Hits Russia, Harming People and Property

An unexpected hail storm hit the large city of Novosibirsk, located in Siberia, Russia, earlier this month, devastating the city’s people and property.According to a July 14 Huffington Post article, temperatures neared 100 degrees Fahrenheit before the hail storm began. Video footage captured beachgoers fleeing from the sudden hail, which ended up killing two children.

In addition to the human cost of the hail storm, the hail stones, which were the size of eggs, according to USA Today, likely took a toll on household windows.

“In a large storm we’re faced with ‘supply and demand’ issues from both the supplier and labor chain,” says Tony, Roofing Manager at Husker Siding, Windows and Roofing. “As a contractor, we must possess the ability to listen to our customers needs, patch leaking skylights and roofing systems as well as other immediate concerns.”

USA Today reports that Russian authorities have begun to investigate the deaths of the two children who sustained fatal head trauma from the hail stones.Russia isn’t the only place on earth where unexpected hail storms can take place — China, India, northern Italy and the plains region of the United States are all prone to strange weather patterns including hail.

And when a hail storm hits, it’s important to ensure you replace any windows in your home that need it.

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