Tuesday, October 22

Answering FAQs About Pet Cremations

Updated 01/09/2022 <p>Because of zoning laws prohibiting the burial of pets, the vast majority of pets in America are cremated. Cremation is also widely done in countries like the United Kingdom. Pet cremator Kevin Spurgeon goes through the facts about pet cremations.

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It takes a great amount of heat, not necessarily fire, to cremate a pet.

Temperatures need to reach over 1400 degrees F (800 degrees C) to reduce a pet’s body to bone fragments. These fragments are then reduced to ashes in a process called cremulation. These are the ashes that are returned to the pet’s human family.

Pet owners can go to their vet’s office to get a pet cremated or can bring the pet to a pet crematorium. The latter method is recommended for pet owners who not only want the ashes of their pets back but want to make sure the ashes consist solely of their pet and no one else’s.

Ashes returned to pet owners from vet offices tend to be ashes of the beloved pet and that of other people’s pets. Pet cremations are often done with several pets at once. Pet owners are usually given the option of not getting the ashes back, but having the ashes scattered by a pet crematorium worker.

Updated 01/09/2022

Cremation is also widely done across countries such as in the United Kingdom. The pet funeral director Kevin Spurgeon goes through the details about the pet’s cremation .

It takes a great amount of heat, not necessarily fire, to cremate an animal.

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For the process of reducing the body an animal to tiny pieces of bone, the temperature must reach more than 1400°F (800°C). These fragments are then converted to ashes by the process of cremulation. This is the pet’s family’s return of the ashes.

You have two options: pet owners can visit their pet’s vet for cremation or bring it to a pet cemetery. The latter method is recommended for pet owners who not just wish to receive the remains of their pets back but want to make sure that the cremated remains are solely from the pet’s ashes and not anyone or anyone else’s.

Cremations that pet owners receive from vet offices tend to represent the ashes of a beloved pet , as well as pet owners of other pets. Many pet cremations can be done simultaneously with several pets. Pet owners have the choice of having their ashes returned to them or having them scatter by an employee when they are cremated.

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