Thursday, February 20

Month: January 2021

How the Community Rallied to Help Newcomerstown Family Who Lost Home in a Fire

How the Community Rallied to Help Newcomerstown Family Who Lost Home in a Fire

A home of one's own, to most families and individuals, is the pinnacle of reaching the American Dream. Not simply because you can do what you want within it, but because it is the realization of a place of one's own. To make as you see fit and live in freedom and joy with other members of society. If the family is the foundation of society, then a home is the base from which it functions and prospers. It is most people's hope that they will inhabit their home for a lifetime, perhaps even passing it down to their children. Unfortunately, unless your home is a concrete fortress or bunker, accidents can happen that are not even your fault. Natural disasters, changes in weather, or the way your home is built can set you up for trouble down the line when circumstances change. Fire alarms, s...

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