As a homeowner, you probably notice your outlets more than anyone because they may be outdated and they may be further from the wall than you would like. Well, there is a great alternative that you can have installed called a flush mount faceplate. In this video, an expert will go over the benefits of flush outlets and why you should have them installed for all of your outlets.
This expert states that they are almost invisible because they are level with your wall. They are perfect for having a nice flat surface area all throughout your home. You can even paint them the same color as your wall because they are not a part of the electrical system. This makes everything a lot safer when you are trying to customize your home with these flush outlets. They can be placed on the outlet and taken off whenever you need to do so easily with a little suction device that they come with.
Watch this entire video to learn all about these flush outlets and why you may benefit from them in your home. It may make your home a lot more aesthetically pleasing.