Thursday, March 13

Author: Inboxtoday

Freedom Should Be Free: How the Bail Project is Combating Mass Incarceration

Freedom Should Be Free: How the Bail Project is Combating Mass Incarceration

The YouTube video is about The Bail Project, an organization dedicated to getting people out of jail so that their entire life does not fall apart. The Bail Project works on an individual level to pay bails for incarcerated people and to support them through the trial. It also engages in activist work for systematic policy change. One of the speakers in the video makes the point that half a million people go to sleep at night in a jail cell who have not been convicted of a crime. The main aim of The Bail Project is to make sure that people can still go to work and take care of their families until the date of their adjudication. Video Source The criminal justice system is unfair to poor people. In fact, some innocent people take plea bargain just so they can go home. Many people are in...
What To Know About Getting a New Roof

What To Know About Getting a New Roof

The roof is a very important part of your home. It covers you from the natural elements and so, you have to make sure that you do roof repairs before the roof capsizes. It is best to have a good roofing contractor on your contact list. Do not wait until something happens before you call a residential roof replacement service. In fact, you should have a residential roofer that conducts preventative measures on your roof. Many things can result in a faulty roof, which we will discuss further in this article. Water In Your House Are you ready for what to know about getting a new roof? The most obvious sign that you may need a new roof is finding water inside your home. You should check your attic periodically, especially after storms, or in case, you notice an ice buildup on the eaves. Look f...
Hiring Tools That Can Help Businesses In A Post COVID World

Hiring Tools That Can Help Businesses In A Post COVID World

COVID-19 has impacted the business world in many devastating ways and remains a significant problem as this disease spreads. Unfortunately, this impact is likely only to worsen as time goes and may make life after the pandemic is over even harder. These troubles need to be carefully understood when hiring high-quality employees for your business and its operation. As a result, it is vital to understand a few of the best hiring tools available for a post-COVID world. Fully understanding these options will help ensure that you find the employees you want and deserve in these challenging situations. Just as importantly, you can learn about various training methods that help to make it easier to find high-quality employees who can help you succeed where other services have failed. Hiring...
How to Clean Roof Mold

How to Clean Roof Mold

If you've had to remove mold from your roof in the past, you may have thought about alternative roofing ideas. There are shingles that were designed to be comparatively resistant to algae problems. Many of these roofing shingles are partly made from copper. Shingles that are mostly made from copper will cost $16 per square foot at the most. Some of these copper shingles could cost as little as $10 per square foot. They can be part of architecture roof systems. Copper tiles may only be slightly more expensive than copper shingles, since they usually cost at least $12 per square foot. However, you won't necessarily need to use roofing materials like these if you're trying to prevent mold issues. If you get roof inspections, the technician will notice leaks and signs of mold growth. Address...
How the Community Rallied to Help Newcomerstown Family Who Lost Home in a Fire

How the Community Rallied to Help Newcomerstown Family Who Lost Home in a Fire

A home of one's own, to most families and individuals, is the pinnacle of reaching the American Dream. Not simply because you can do what you want within it, but because it is the realization of a place of one's own. To make as you see fit and live in freedom and joy with other members of society. If the family is the foundation of society, then a home is the base from which it functions and prospers. It is most people's hope that they will inhabit their home for a lifetime, perhaps even passing it down to their children. Unfortunately, unless your home is a concrete fortress or bunker, accidents can happen that are not even your fault. Natural disasters, changes in weather, or the way your home is built can set you up for trouble down the line when circumstances change. Fire alarms, s...
The Best Holiday Gifts to Buy This Year

The Best Holiday Gifts to Buy This Year

This time of year a lot of people are on the hunt for that special gift for our family, friends, or loved ones. It may be challenging to figure out what to get for who. The options and sales are endless this year. No matter your search, here are the best holiday gifts this year for you to get. Gifts for Garden Lovers Many of us are spending the holiday this year in different parts of the world. Whether you have a family member who lives in another country, state, or city, flowers are the safest route to go. Ordering online makes this process a lot easier as flower shops put together pictures for your potential purchase. When ordering online, you can ask for the online flower delivery. Receiving flowers brightens so many people's day. Getting these on Valentine's Day is a huge stap...
Tips and Tricks for a Healthy Winter

Tips and Tricks for a Healthy Winter

Healthy living is an essential element of many people’s lifestyles. This involves having the right diet and getting plenty of exercise. While this is no small task, dieting and exercise can be relatively easier during certain times of the year. The summer months can feature the nice weather that is perfect for a nice run. Fresh fruits and vegetables are also in season this time of year. Unfortunately, healthy living can be rather difficult in the winter months. Many healthy living enthusiasts can fall off the wagon during the winter. Don’t let the hard work you put in during the rest of the year be for not in the winter months. Follow these tips and tricks for a healthy winter. Barriers to healthy winter living The cold winter months present kind of a tricky situation to someone who ...
12 Ways to Stay Busy This Autumn

12 Ways to Stay Busy This Autumn

As the weather gets colder, you’re probably going to spend much more time indoors. With the recent pandemic, you may already be used to finding ways to keep yourself occupied, but there are plenty of things that you can still do this fall to prevent you from being bored while staying inside. From autumn hobbies to home renovations, here are 12 ways to help you stay busy. Start an Exercise Routine Keep yourself warm and in shape by starting an exercise routine. Strap on your best long distance running shoes and enjoy the changing leaves while going on a nature walk or run. Raking leaves in your backyard or planting spring bulbs in your garden is also an excellent workout. Enjoy a leisurely bike ride with the entire family. You can also get together and play sports such as football, soccer, ...
15 Tips For Saving Money On Commercial Expenses

15 Tips For Saving Money On Commercial Expenses

What’s one of the hottest topics on the lips of every company owner? Saving money on business expenses, of course. With more than 30 million small organizations in the United States, founders and CEOs are always going to be stretched for cash. After all, they’re trying to vie for a piece of the same pie. And that can be challenging. Whether you’re just launching as an entrepreneur or you’ve been in the corporate world for decades, why not try saving money on business expenses using the following strategies? Each method for saving money on business expenses will help you get a little leaner, not to mention allow you to keep more profits in-house. Opt for Remote Work If you haven’t noticed already, the cost of offices for sale or rent can be astronomical. Even if you can afford to lease or...
Tips for Buying Your First Car

Tips for Buying Your First Car

UPDATED 11/25/2020 There is something magical about getting your first car. Unfortunately, it is easy to make a bad buy by not being informed. There is so much to consider, from what is the best automobile to buy, where to find the best car and truck deals, and even if you can afford to look at new car specials. It can be so confusing. However, first on your list of considerations should be your budget. What can you afford? Keep in mind that your budget needs to cover the car buying price and any repairs that a used car may require. Often a good quality used car can exhaust your funds, leaving you stumped for repair costs. After all, there is a reason why the beautiful but older car is for sale in the first place. Knowing car brands and prices will lead to investigating the av...

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