Sunday, March 9


Climate Change Threatens U.S. Recreational and Commercial Fishing
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Climate Change Threatens U.S. Recreational and Commercial Fishing

In 2017, there were approximately 11.6 million youth participants (aged between six and 17 years) in fishing in the United States. Although there are a staggering number of people who may not want to admit how dire global warming might be, there's little doubt that we're starting to feel the effects. From increased instances of flooding to extended allergy seasons, scientists are quick to point out that it can all be traced back to climate change. And as ocean temperatures continue to rise, there's another consequence of our unwillingness to protect the planet: the practice of fishing may be in real trouble. So whether you're one of the 49 million Americans who participate in freshwater, saltwater, or fly fishing as a hobby during the average year or you contribute to (or benefit from) the...
Chicago Mosaic Artist Turns Potholes into Works of Art
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Chicago Mosaic Artist Turns Potholes into Works of Art

American artists appear in 40% of art collections worldwide. Glass mosaics have been in use for ages. In fact, this work of art dates back more than 300 years before the birth of Christ. Few people would ever expect such a traditional piece of art to appear in the middle of the road. But that's exactly what Chicago artist, Jim Bachor, has done. He first became intrigued by the long lifespan and durability of mosaics after visiting Pompeii, which featured these works of art from more than 2,000 years ago. After learning how to create beautiful Mosaics from Italy, has used this superpower to fill potholes since 2013. Bachor has created a variety of mosaics, many of which feature comforting images like cats, foods, and flowers. He claims that the goal of his work is to put a smile on th...
What’s Wrong With This Picture? Man Attempts To Smuggle Cocaine Under Toupee
Featured News, World

What’s Wrong With This Picture? Man Attempts To Smuggle Cocaine Under Toupee

Appearances aren't always what they seem. We're a species very much concerned about our outer physical appearance, doing all sorts of things to make ourselves more attractive. Having that pearly white, perfect smile explains the 39.09 million Americans who were using tooth whiteners in 2017. Another part of physical appearance on many minds is hair. One report suggests that 68% of women are unhappy with their hair. Similarly, with men, hair loss is something they generally don't want to experience. Still, it happens, so there are certain strategies men use to conceal their rapidly balding heads. One Colombian man sought to conceal a little more than baldness recently. Landing in Spain from Bogota, Colombia, authorities spotted the man with a very unusual looking toupee. With the FAA...
Study Finds Connection Between Employee Stress and Weight Gain
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Study Finds Connection Between Employee Stress and Weight Gain

Contrary to what you might think, the workplace can be rather dangerous for many of us. You don't have to be employed in a hazardous field to get hurt on the job, of course. And if you do slip and fall at work, you could be among the 5% of people who fracture a bone as a result. But these kinds of accidents aren't the only ways we can experience negative physical effects as a result of our employment. In fact, your job could be the very thing that's infringing on your self-esteem and your long-term health. According to recent data, roughly 50% of Americans say they're unsuccessful at losing weight because they lack self-discipline. But as one study revealed, failing to reach our weight loss goals may not be entirely because we're not dedicated enough. In some cases, it could be because ...

2019 SEO Marketing Trends

The importance of SEO in the digital marketing world has grown year over year. More consumers today make decisions online and it is key for businesses to have a digital presence. This has only made SEO harder for small businesses. We've reached out to the top digital marketing experts to hear their advice for businesses. Find Your Voice Brands need a voice they and help developing one describes Mike Koehler of Smirk New Media. "We think that developing a unique and consistent brand voice for your web and social media content is pivotal for a business success online. As a digital marketing agency, developing a brand voice is an important step we take as part of social media and digital content planning. Our process is akin to creating what we consider an "invisible mascot" for the ...
Airbnb and Other Top Companies Set Strict Dating Policies in the Workplace
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Airbnb and Other Top Companies Set Strict Dating Policies in the Workplace

Dealing with sexual harassment at work is not uncommon and many employers have enforced strict dating policies regarding employee relationships in the past. But some top companies are flipping the script. While most companies ban employee relationships altogether, Airbnb, Facebook, and even Google have rolled out a new policy that's simultaneously strict and welcoming at once: now, coworkers get one chance to ask their coworker out on a date. "You can only ask another employee on a date once, and it can’t be someone in your chain of management, so not your boss or someone on your team," explained an Airbnb employee to MarketWatch. Should a coworker say no, this ensures that sexual harassment is avoided in the workplace. After all, more than 30% of cases presented to the EEOC were sex di...
Off Roading Tips For Beginners This Summer
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Off Roading Tips For Beginners This Summer

Off-roading can be a great hobby for the adventurous thrill-seekers out there this summer. However, taking your vehicle off road can be a hobby that's a bit more difficult on your car or truck than you might initially expect. Without the proper maintenance and care, going off road could actually seriously damage your car in some pretty expensive ways. Use these tips and tricks to get you ready for taking your vehicle off the beaten path while still keeping it running in good condition. Consider A New Vehicle If you're serious about getting into off-roading as a hobby and you're looking to trade in your current vehicle anyway, consider looking for a vehicle specially designed to go off road. Some of the most well-known options for off-road ready vehicles include more rough and rugged bran...
PrettyLitter Helps Cat Owners Monitor Feline Health
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PrettyLitter Helps Cat Owners Monitor Feline Health

Since most households in the U.S. have at least one pet, a significant number of Americans are familiar with the joys of being a cat parent. But, of course, it's not all sunshine and rainbows -- especially when it comes time to take your furry friend to the vet. It's estimated 80% of dogs and 70% cats show signs of dental disease by age three, leading to abscesses, loose teeth, and chronic pain. Not only do many felines have strong feelings about being locked in a carrier, but they also tend to hide their pain or discomfort, which makes it hard for owners to know whether there's reason for concern. But now, you might need only take a look in your kitty's litter box to assess whether it's time for a trip to the vet. Despite the fact that dumpsters are typically serviced at 60% or below f...
Study: Children With Divorced Parents Are Less Likely to Attend College
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Study: Children With Divorced Parents Are Less Likely to Attend College

While the divorce rate seems to be slowing down, particularly among younger newlyweds who are waiting longer to tie the knot, that certainly doesn't mean that every marriage will end happily. In states like Tennessee, you'll have to wait anywhere between 60 and 90 days after drafting a divorce complaint before the legal dissolution of your marriage can take place. And if you share kids with your soon-to-be ex, you probably already know that a divorce can be even messier when children are involved. But while the immediate effects of divorce can be damaging enough, there's also evidence to suggest that divorce can have major long-term implications for children -- and that might include your child's pursuit of higher education. Most divorcing parents will focus their energy on developing a...
Scammer Elizabeth Holmes May Have Gotten Married In Secret
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Scammer Elizabeth Holmes May Have Gotten Married In Secret

UPDATED 11/13/20 Most people desire a diamond engagement ring. How do you choose a good ring for such a person? The essential traits of a diamond are color, cut, carat weight, and clarity. Round brilliant diamond rings with a high cut grade that increases the diamond ring's beauty is recommended. Why should you settle for all included wedding venues? Wedding venues should be chosen wisely. All included wedding venues help to save on the cost of the wedding. Planning a wedding in one venue is also more comfortable. What is the best place to have a wedding reception? What are the things to consider when shopping for the best place to have a wedding reception? Wedding venues that offer reasonable prices on food, the right decor, flowers, and linen should be chosen. While shopping for a p...

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