Thursday, March 27

Month: July 2014

Could Studying Cause Nearsightedness? New Research Says it’s Possible

Could Studying Cause Nearsightedness? New Research Says it’s Possible

The image of the stereotypical nerd wearing a pocket protector and glasses is hard to let go of. New studies suggest that, in fact, there might be some correlation between how long someone studies, and how likely they are to need glasses for nearsightedness.The study, published in the journal Ophthalmology, was conducted by researchers at University Medical Center Mainz in Germany, and a total of 5,000 German residents were tested. Their findings suggested that educational level was a more important predictor of myopia, also known as nearsightedness, than genetics. "About 50 years ago myopia was thought to be almost completely determined by genetics," said Alireza Mirshahi, a researcher and ophthalmologist at the University. "We see that genetic factors do play a role, but the role of e...
Facebook advertisers take advantage of new technique

Facebook advertisers take advantage of new technique

Advertisers on Facebook can now take advantage of a new technique to better reach consumers on the social media site. According to a July 18 article, sequential mobile advertising, a quickly-emerging video advertising method, allows the marketer to put targeted video advertisements in front of a user after he or she clicks on an ad from a mobile device. Marketers are then able to follow up with other advertisements, which are chosen based on a user's clicking habits, on other devices. reports that this makes marketers able to create a sequence of targeted video ads for users to view, effectively building a sales pitch with this sequence of videos -- starting with the "pitch" and ending with the "sell." To target video advertisements, marketers are a...
Installing Streetlamps Keeps Neighborhood Violence At Lower Levels

Installing Streetlamps Keeps Neighborhood Violence At Lower Levels

As the problem of increasing street violence becomes more prevalent in large cities around the world, more people have begun working together to brainstorm affordable ways of preventing violence. Whether it's New York City, or Chicago, or notoriously dangerous cities in England and Northern Ireland, residents have been coming together to find out what causes violence, and what can be done to keep it from claiming more innocent lives. There's no need to discuss the methods of violence, or whether gun control laws should be changed, or if politicians deserve to be blamed for what has happened. All of those topics have been covered ad nauseam in a plethora of news sources, and will probably continue to be discussed indefinitely. Instead, it's time to focus on what individual citizens and n...
Research Shows Link Between ADHD and Athleticism

Research Shows Link Between ADHD and Athleticism

Believe it or not, many professional and Olympic athletes have something in common completely unrelated to their physical capabilities: a huge number of ultra-successful athletes all have ADHD. Having made this correlation, experts are now wondering, is there something about ADHD that allows an athlete to perform better? Or is this just an interesting coincidence? It seems very likely that ADHD and athleticism are found together not because they are directly related, but because the restlessness commonly found in people with ADHD isoften ameliorated by engaging in activities which require close attention to a multitude of details -- activities like sports, which are fast-paced and require extreme bouts of concentration on one detail for only seconds at a time before another detail must ...
High Healthcare Expenditure Doesn’t Ensure Better Health, According to Recent OECD Data

High Healthcare Expenditure Doesn’t Ensure Better Health, According to Recent OECD Data

Recent data collected by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) now shows that the U.S. is spending more on healthcare coverage than any other developed country, despite the fact that American citizens still have the highest obesity percentage worldwide (28.6%) and the 8th lowest life expectancy worldwide (78.7 years). The report states that the U.S. spent about $8,745 in healthcare costs per capita in 2012, which is approximately $2,500 more than Norway, which grabbed second place in healthcare expenditure in 2012. Although ideally a higher healthcare expenditure should mean that citizens generally experience better health, it appears that many developed nations still struggle with basic healthcare problems. Luca Lorenzoni, a health economist who is familiar ...
The Newest Use for Botox Injections: A Way to Control Excessive Sweating

The Newest Use for Botox Injections: A Way to Control Excessive Sweating

Dermatologists have discovered yet another unexpected use for Botox injections besides reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles -- it's now an effective way to control excessive sweating. Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition in which an individual suffers from excessive, unpredictable sweats -- which can result in embarrassing situations, to say the least. And studies have shown that approximately one in five Americans has hyperhidrosis. According to a July 8 article, a simple procedure involving Botox injections to the underarms, palms, feet or other affected areas can help control excess sweating for as long as five to nine months -- perfect for the sweltering summer months where it can feel like all you do is sweat. "Treating hyperhidrosis with botox injections...
Tips for Motorcycle Safety This Summer

Tips for Motorcycle Safety This Summer

It's getting to be the height of summer, and that means that people are much more likely to get out on the road to ride their motorcycles. If you're one of them, you should know that safety is one of the biggest concerns. For other motorists, looking twice before making turns and navigating the roads carefully is important, but here are some things to keep in mind while you're out riding your motorcycle, courtesy of The Poughkeepsie Journal. Carol Bullard, registered nurse and motorcycle enthusiast, offers a few tips to optimize safety while riding a motorcycle:Wearing a helmet and protective clothing can protect your body in the event of an accident. Taking special precautions in response to weather conditions can is also essential to motorcycle safety. There is rain gear available, and i...
Illinois City Creates New Way to Keep Tenants-and Landlords-in Line

Illinois City Creates New Way to Keep Tenants-and Landlords-in Line

A small city in Illinois, enacted a city ordinance designed to help landlords deal with problem tenants. Called the Crime Free Housing Ordinance, which passed Monday, July 15, 2014, gives landlords the ability to evict residents who have committed crimes on their rental property. However, the ordinance also gives the city the ability to discipline landlords who are seen as remiss in preventing crime on their properties. According to the new ordinance, landlords in the city of Pekin, Illinois are now required to attend a four-hour seminar to learn about the new ordinance, as well as receive tips on screening potential tenants, additional information on landlord-tenant laws in the state of Illinois, and other pertinent details. Following the seminar, each landlord must attach a copy of th...
Call For Tougher Labor Laws Made in Canada Following the Death of a 15 Year Old Worker

Call For Tougher Labor Laws Made in Canada Following the Death of a 15 Year Old Worker

Employment safety standards in Canada are being called into question in the aftermath of a tragic workplace accident. Chris Lawrence -- a 15 year old who was two days away from his 16th birthday -- died when he was caught in a conveyor belt owned by the gravel crushing company the minor worked for. Work has been halted at the site while Occupational Health and Safety investigate the incident. Alberta's Employment Standards branch is also conducting its own investigation to determine whether Arjon Construction, the company that employed Lawrence, was complying with existing labor laws. According to Lauren Welsh, an OHS spokesperson, the investigation was made "given the young age of the worker." In Alberta, people between the ages of 15 and 17, who are classified as "young workers," c...
Bed Bug Infestation Forces New Hampshire Camp to Cancel All Remaining Sessions

Bed Bug Infestation Forces New Hampshire Camp to Cancel All Remaining Sessions

This summer, campers hoping to attend Camp Spaulding in Penacook, New Hampshire will be disappointed to hear that all future sessions have been cancelled owing to a bed bug infestation. During the camp's first two week session, which started June 30, boys in one cabin immediately began complaining about itchy skin. Counselors were able to fairly quickly identify the perpetrators as bed bugs. Staff moved the boys out of the infected bunk, sanitized their bedding and other belongings, and moved to clean the cabin. However, the next day bed bugs were found in yet another bunk. The camp repeated the moving out process, and called in a pest control service. It then became clear that the problem was larger than just one cabin. The pest control service found that “active bugs or evidence...

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