Wednesday, March 26

Month: April 2014

US Manufacturing a ‘Rising Star’ in the World, Says New Report

US Manufacturing a ‘Rising Star’ in the World, Says New Report

The U.S. has lost some 7.5 million industrial jobs since the employment sector hit its peak in 1979, in large part because companies chose to ship their manufacturing jobs to less-expensive overseas markets. However, that trend is reversing, and, according to a new report, the U.S. now ranks second in overall competitiveness. It trails only China. On Friday, the report released by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) said that the U.S. was a “rising star” of global manufacturing. It also said that China’s place as the top manufacturer was, if not being explicitly challenged, “under pressure” because of increased labor and transportation costs as well as reduced productivity growth. Conversely, the U.S. is becoming a better market for manufacturing thanks to the lower cost of natural gas...
New Report Finds America Employed, but Perhaps at the Cost of the Housing Market
Business, Lifestyle

New Report Finds America Employed, but Perhaps at the Cost of the Housing Market

After spending the better part of a decade in disaster mode, the American economy has used the past four years to gradually bounce back to a relatively stable state, according to recent reports. In fact, millions of Americans are now back to work. But of course, with these numbers come a bit of good news and a bit of bad news. The good news? A bolstered economy means an enlivened workforce, with nearly 4 million jobs being created in the past few years. The bad news? The overwhelming majority of these employment opportunities have come at places like McDonald's, Taco Bell and retail shops in strip malls. In a grander sense, the economy's bounce-back has yielded far more low-paying jobs than better-paid ones. But who cares, as long as there are jobs at all, right? The housing market, ...
Phoenix Firefighters Lose 850 Keys

Phoenix Firefighters Lose 850 Keys

“Our accountability isn't the best here,” said David Carter, Deputy Chief of the Phoenix Fire Department. He was speaking about the 850 keys that have gone missing over a period of 15 years, blaming losses on the department's poor record keeping. According to the department's recent audit, 63% of the original 1,350 copies that the city had in 1999 have vanished over the years. The missing keys aren't used to directly access buildings and homes, but are used to unlock key boxes, which are security devices housing keys that actually do unlock buildings. Such a system allows the fire department to access commercial buildings and apartment complexes when closed without having to break down doors or windows to enter, while also minimizing the amount of keys needed. The system was also int...
Wrongful Death Complaint Filed Against Tough Mudder by 2013 Victim’s Estate
Lifestyle, Local

Wrongful Death Complaint Filed Against Tough Mudder by 2013 Victim’s Estate

In the world of competitive athleticism, the Tough Mudder obstacle race ranks high near the top. In fact, according to the event's own promotional materials, it's "probably the toughest event on the planet." The 12-mile race, which was designed by British Special Forces to help participants overcome common human fears like fire and heights, is held in different spots internationally each year. At the 2013 Mid-Atlantic Tough Mudder, however, tragedy struck when Avishek Sengupta, a participant, drowned while competing in the "Walk the Plank" obstacle. Now, Sengupta's parents have filed a wrongful death complaint through West Virginia's Marshall County second circuit court. The legal team, comprised of professionals from Boston's Gilbert and Renton firm, lists a number of different orga...
Chinese Company 3-D Prints 10 Houses in Just One Day
Business, World

Chinese Company 3-D Prints 10 Houses in Just One Day

WinSun Decoration Design Engineering, a Chinese construction company, has harnessed the power of 3-D printing technology to build 10 one-story houses in Shanghai in just a single day. Each of the houses is 33 feet (10 meters) wide, and 22 feet (6.6 meters) high, for an approximate square-footage of 2,100 feet. They're built layer by layer with a quick drying cement, similar to the way that bakers would ice cakes, and cost less than $5,000 to build. As each layer gets added, it's checked for quality, since there aren't any building codes pertaining to 3-D printing construction in China. "We purchased parts for the printer overseas, and assembled the machine in a factory in Suzhou," aid Mia Yihi, the CEO of WinSun CEO, to the International Business Times. "Such a new type of 3-D printe...
Google Removes Pregnancy Center Ads Violating Deceptive Advertising Policies

Google Removes Pregnancy Center Ads Violating Deceptive Advertising Policies

After an investigation by the nonprofit organization NARAL Pro-Choice America, Google has decided to take down several ads for “crisis pregnancy centers” because they provided, according to a report, misleading information and that they violated Google’s policy against deceptive advertising. "We have no problem with crisis pregnancy centers advertising online; we have no problem with their existing," Illyse Hogue, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America said. "That is their right in America." However, she expressed concerns with how the centers’ ads are constructed and shared, saying that their text indicates that they provide abortions. According to analysis by NARAL, 79% of the crisis pregnancy centers advertised on Google indicated that they provided medical services, like abortions...
New Cake Boss Bakery Opens in Greenwich, Though Filming Not Allowed
Business, Lifestyle

New Cake Boss Bakery Opens in Greenwich, Though Filming Not Allowed

There can be a few small downsides to fame -- something Buddy Valastro Jr., better known as the "Cake Boss" of reality TV, knows well enough. Carlo's Bakery, home of the Cake Boss, has been greenlighted for opening its first shop in Greenwich, Connecticut. The agreement with the town is not without stipulations, however. The Planning and Zoning board gave a firm "no" when it came to filming any episodes at the local store, and officials also wanted assurances that special events, such as cake-decorating classes and birthday parties, would occur during non-school hours so as not to aggravate parking and traffic problems. Several zoning officials are worried that cars full of "Cake Boss" fans could create a troublesome bottleneck in an area that is already fairly congested. The bakery's or...
RDCK Administration Defends Decision to Award More Expensive Office Furniture Bid
Business, Local

RDCK Administration Defends Decision to Award More Expensive Office Furniture Bid

Last week, the Regional District of Central Kootenay awarded a contract for new office furniture to Graphic Office Interior Ltd., which is based in Vancouver Island, for $182,000. The agreement has come under fire since local company Cowan Office Supply of Nelson made a bid that was around $20,000 cheaper. But chief administrator Brian Carruthers has defended the RDCK’s decision. Primarily, he cited the warranties and specifications that the two competing companies were offering. According to Carruthers, Graphic Office Interior offered a 12-year warranty on fabric panels while Cowan’s was just 5 years and did not include shipping and labor. In addition, Cowan’s proposed workstation dividing panels were not tall enough. “It was determined that 54-inch panel height was desired and that...
New Crane Safety Manual Outlines Crane Operating Guidelines to Help Battle Safety Concerns

New Crane Safety Manual Outlines Crane Operating Guidelines to Help Battle Safety Concerns

Construction is one of the 10 most dangerous professions, according to Forbes magazine, causing more than 200 fatalities and several more injuries in 2012 alone. The heavy equipment involved in lifting and transporting materials, as well as the high altitudes many construction workers face, contribute to the concerns about this industry's safety. This has forced many construction companies to enhance their accident prevention measures in an effort to keep their workers as safe as possible. The Crane Institute of America recently responded to this call to safety with its 10th edition of Mobile Cranes, written to help crane operators utilize these machines safely and effectively. The book outlines all crane operating procedures from setup, to operation guidelines, to potential hazards. Th...
Workplace Accidents Decrease Overseas
Business, World

Workplace Accidents Decrease Overseas

The number of work-related injury cases in 2014's first quarter are on a down-slide in both China and Malaysia. According to China's State Administration of Work Safety, the amount of workplace accidents are down by 38.9% compared to last year. In Malaysia, work-related injuries have declined from 63,423 cases in 2002 to 33,060 occurring cases last year, which is a difference of more than 50% over the decade long period. A total of 153 people suffered fatal work-related accidents during China's first quarter, which is a 42.9% decrease from last year's first quarter. What's more, the death toll from accidents in coal mines between January and March decreased by 37.9% in comparison with last year's first quarter. According to China's administration, a serious workplace accident are inc...

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