Retail juggernaut Walmart has allegedly blamed comedian and actor Tracy Morgan for the serious injuries he received when one of Walmart’s truck drivers crashed into his limousine van, because Morgan was reportedly not wearing a seatbelt.
According to the legal documents, the actor’s injuries were “caused, in whole or in part, by plaintiffs’ failure to properly wear an appropriate available seat belt restraint device,” and that the actor and his entourage had “acted unreasonably and in disregard of [their] own best interests.”
The monolithic retailer has reportedly not only refused to comment on whether or not it’s laying any blame on the driver, but has even gone so far as to refuse to acknowledge whether Kevin Roper — the truck driver — was in fact a Walmart employee, noting the possibility that the accident “may have been caused by third parties over whom Walmart had no control.”
The six-car-accident occurred in the early morning of June 7 on the New Jersey Turnpike. A preliminary report from the National Transportation Safety Board said that Roper had been traveling 20 miles per hour over the speed limit, and that he was almost at his drive limit, having been awake for over 24 hours at the time of the accident. The wreck left one victim dead and four others in critical condition. The incident left Morgan with a broken leg, nose, and broken ribs.
The day after filing the legal documents, Walmart issued a more conciliatory statement downplaying the previous filing.
“Walmart is committed to working to resolve all of the remaining issues as a result of the accident. As part of the ordinary course of legal proceedings, Walmart filed an initial response yesterday to the lawsuit that included facts and defenses that may impact the case moving forward,” said the statement. “While we were required to respond to the lawsuit, we have also taken steps to encourage settlement discussions. Our thoughts continue to go out to everyone involved, and we remain committed to doing what’s right.”
Of course, the Saturday Night Live alum had his own things to say, too.
“My friends and I were doing nothing wrong,” said Morgan. “I can’t believe Walmart is blaming me for an accident that they caused.”