Sunday, March 9


New Sunglasses Connect to Your Smartphone So They Never Get Lost
Fashion, Lifestyle

New Sunglasses Connect to Your Smartphone So They Never Get Lost

In an industry where the topography is constantly shifting with each new wave and trend, it's a pretty big deal to have fashion critics claim that your new product will completely change the future of eyewear, which is precisely what they're saying about Tzurkuri. The Sydney-based business is currently manufacturing a kind of sunglass that can be tracked and located with asimple, mobile app so that they'll get lost ever again. At $350 a pair, the Tzurkuri shades aren't really quite available yet, but the company is taking a limited amount of preorders for $49 each, with a remaining $200 being charged once the shades ship out, which means excited techies/fashionistas can get $100 for being the first of their friends with geo-located sunglasses. It might seem like a steep price just fo...
DCF Inspector Failed to Properly Measure Pool Fence, Could Have Prevented Daycare Drowning

DCF Inspector Failed to Properly Measure Pool Fence, Could Have Prevented Daycare Drowning

Investigations into the death of a three-year-old boy who died from drowning in a daycare pool this past December are still ongoing in West Miami-Dade. This week, police discovered that a state inspector had approved the fencing at the home day care center without ever having actually measured the gate, the fence, or the gaps between the slats in order to make sure children could not slip through. At the end of last year, parents Mirelys Morales and Yunior Feliciano were shocked to find out from their daycare that their son had fallen into a pool, and had drowned. The daycare had been recommended to them by their son's nursery school. Maylind Brache was in charge of the home daycare, and left the children during the day under the care of her mother. The boy was left alone on a patio,...
Digital Camera Manufacturers Are Overcoming Their Greatest Threat: the Smartphone
Business, World

Digital Camera Manufacturers Are Overcoming Their Greatest Threat: the Smartphone

The world's most popular photo site, Flickr, allows users to see which cameras are most commonly used in their online community, but the odd thing is that none of the top four are actually cameras. They're all smartphones. Respectively, the top four are the Apple iPhone 5, the Apple iPhone 5s, the Apple iPhone 4S, and the the Apple iPhone 4. What's more, digital camera sales have been tepidly declining for the past few years, while the sale of smartphones has skyrocketed by more than 600 million in the past five years.These are just two trends that indicate the public's demands and expectations have shifted. People nowadays are less concerned about taking higher quality photos, and would rather have the ability to instantly share their pictures across social networks instead. However, it f...
Tarantino Drops Lawsuit Against Gawker Media

Tarantino Drops Lawsuit Against Gawker Media

Prolific screenwriter and director Quentin Tarantino has retracted his copyright infringement suit against Gawker Media for disseminating a leaked copy of his soon to be in-production, unpublished screenplay, "The Hateful Eight." Last month, U.S. District Court Judge John F. Walter tossed the case, but allowed Tarantino the option of refiling the case on the first of May. The incident in question occurred when Defamer, a website owned by Gawker Media, posted an article that was subtly titled "Here Is the Leaked Quentin Tarantino ‘Hateful Eight’ Script” that contained links to a file-sharing site featuring a draft of the script that'd been leaked by an unnamed Hollywood agent. The judge's original ruling found that Tarantino's attorneys had failed produce enough evidence or plead fact...
Giroptic Builds World’s First Full HD 360-Degree Camera

Giroptic Builds World’s First Full HD 360-Degree Camera

Panoramic cameras are quickly becoming a new trend in the world of photography, what with the arrival of the Centr, Bublcam, and the Panono, but Giroptic's new 360cam, which has just begun its Kickstarter campaign, is more dynamic than its predecessors, doing things that few other cameras are even capable of. Giroptic's little, pear-shaped gizmo claims to be the "world's first full HD 360-degree camera." It has three cameras with fisheye lenses that can take either eight megapixel images or capture 1080p video. The 360cam will then sew the imagery together into one panoramic shot or video that users can later export to mobile devices, computers, or even to the cloud. Though users control the 360cam with their smartphones or mobile devices, they can also attach an Ethernet video-strea...
Study Shows That Psychographic Marketing Could Be the Best Way to Boost Annuity Sales

Study Shows That Psychographic Marketing Could Be the Best Way to Boost Annuity Sales

Marketing is a major part of an annuity agent's focus when trying to identify potential clients, with many agents emphasizing home ownership, marital status, and other demographic cues to generate business. But recently, some annuity agents have taken to a different strategy: psychographic marketing.This type of marketing hones in on lifestyle, values, interests, and more personal information. This data is then combined with demographics to calculate the probability that a particular individual or household will conduct business with an annuity agent, according to Jeremy Rettich, the president of an insurance marketing organization in Tennessee. This helps agents narrow their list down to a manageable handful of prospects they can expect to attract. Rettich explains that the benefit of ...
Expanding Capabilities Emerging for 3D Metal and Large Format Printers

Expanding Capabilities Emerging for 3D Metal and Large Format Printers

As of 2013, the market for 3D printing expanded into a $3.7 billion industry, according to 3D printing industry analysts Wohlers Associates. Now a new report shows that 3D metal printing grew by 75% in 2013 as more manufacturers look to this latest technology to produce parts. For consumers and professionals alike, 3D printing is in demand for creating anything from toys to artificial limbs and organs, with the latter purpose becoming popular in the medical industry. Most of these 3D printers use polymers as their base to form plastic items. In 2013, the number of sold 3D metal printers, which can cost tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, was 348, up from 198 machines sold in 2012. The recent growth in 3D metal printers is mostly attributed to commercial applications ranging fro...
Chicago Flooding Closes State Highway And Strands Drivers

Chicago Flooding Closes State Highway And Strands Drivers

Serious flooding is much more common than you might think. In fact, just days ago, a Chicago interstate was covered in water. "Storms brought up to 4 inches of rain to parts of the northern suburbs, flooding many streets and basements, and swelling some rivers past their banks," CBS reports. The flooding temporarily closed an important highway, U.S. Route 41. "It was closed in both directions because of a flooded viaduct, which prompted Lake Bluff elementary and middle schools to cancel classes on Tuesday," CBS continued. The flooding stranded large cargo trucks as well as drivers of more traditional vehicles. "Drivers in some places along Route 41 chose to abandon their vehicles. Firefighters from Knollwood rescued at least six people from their cars and at least one person from a home be...
Price of Gold Continues to Fall, Shows No Sign of Stopping
Business, World

Price of Gold Continues to Fall, Shows No Sign of Stopping

In September 2011, the market price of gold hit its all-time peak at $1,895 per ounce. Almost three years later, on May 13, 2014, USA Today reported that the price had fallen to $1,293 -- a 32% decrease. Now, according to the USA Today article, experts are saying the price of gold could continue its steep and steady decline, eventually reaching $800 per ounce or even lower. As the U.S. continues to recover economically and tensions in Ukraine disperse, there will be little cause for gold prices to increase, USA Today reported. In a May 16 Market Watch article, it was reported that higher bond yields are also resulting in less demand for gold. Overall, the outlook for gold looks grim -- so what does this mean for people who use gold as an investment tool? The market price for go...
Kick off Boating Season with Safety Tips for Boats and Docks

Kick off Boating Season with Safety Tips for Boats and Docks

During the summer, many Americans will enjoy boating in the open waters of the lakes, rivers, and oceans in and surrounding the United States. However, while boating can be an exciting activity for families and individuals, there are plenty of safety precautions to take in and around boats this season to avoid accidents, injuries, and fatalities. To encourage smart decisions in and around the water this summer, the National Safe Boating Council is partnering with municipalities all over the country to host National Safe Boating Week, an official national safety awareness week, from May 17 to May 23. The National Safe Boating Council's goal is to "promote a safer recreational boating experience through education, outreach and training," according to their website.National Safe Boating Week ...

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