Thursday, March 27

Month: March 2018

Ignoring Cavities Can Lead to Intense Pain and Serious Health Issues
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Ignoring Cavities Can Lead to Intense Pain and Serious Health Issues

For nearly a week, Julia Fregoso suffered tooth pain so intense that she was unable to eat, drink, and even sleep. Her pain was due from a molar she broke last December, and she went to USC's Urgent Care and Dental Trauma Center in hopes of relieving her pain and addressing her dental problems. Just 3% of all patients who come to an urgent care center need to be diverted to an emergency department. "The night after my extraction was the first night in almost a week that I actually slept throughout the night," she said. "Less than 24 hours later, I was able to eat and speak with no pain and little to no swelling. I’m feeling so much better." On any given day at dental facilities across the country, patients come in with a wide range of dental needs including root canals, extractions, cra...
Comparing the Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus to the New iPhone X
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Comparing the Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus to the New iPhone X

If you own an iPhone, you're probably extremely familiar with the fact that Apple releases a new model every year or so. Whenever the latest version of the iPhone is released, Apple fanatics will stand in line for hours at a time just to get their hands on the latest product. In fact, not only is Apple one of the largest companies in the world, but they benefit from extremely brand-loyal customers, who could never dream of using anything but an iPhone. Because Apple is such an extremely popular brand, their competition is always trying to eat into their market share. Another major cell phone brand is Samsung, and the new Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus is going head to head with the iPhone X. According to Forbes, the iPhone X is having trouble comparing positively to Samsung's new phone. Forb...
Online Platform Makes Buying, Selling Your Home a Breeze
Featured News, Lifestyle

Online Platform Makes Buying, Selling Your Home a Breeze

Many first-time home buyers believe that buying a home should be easy. However, that isn't always the case. But one company is launching their online platform to help make the process run a lot smoother. According to the Spokesman-Review, Sean Black, the CEO of, is changing the home buying game. is an online platform that offers a different spin on real estate sales. The company hopes with the use of their platform, the cost will be cut and some of the real estate agents people are consistently using will not be used anymore. The company is geared toward people who are looking to sell their house to be able to afford the next one, which is a majority of the buying and selling market. When someone is looking to sell their home, they plug all of their information in...
Bill Cosby to Return to Court as More Accusers Come Forward
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Bill Cosby to Return to Court as More Accusers Come Forward

Once beloved comedian and TV personality Bill Cosby faces a looming retrial for his alleged sexual assaults as five more accusers step forward. The string of accusers bodes well for the prosecution, which aims to establish evidence that Cosby was a serial predator who drugged and took advantage of a number of women over the course of five decades. The retrial is set to begin in April this year after the previous trial ended in a hung jury. So far over 60 women have come forth to accuse Cosby of sexual assault, eight of them alleging the actions took place within the statute of limitations. And though the prosecution attempted to persuade the judge to allow many of them to testify, Cosby's team of lawyers put up a wall citing the amount of time it would take to investigate ea...
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Oklahoma Teachers Plan Walkout Amid Low-Pay Issues

Schools across the country have been in the spotlight in recent weeks due to gun control. However, public schools in Tulsa, Oklahoma have been in the news because of something a little different. According to KFOR, the school district announced they will be taking part in a statewide teacher walkout. Superintendent Deborah Gist said they will be supporting this move, along with all other walkouts across the State of Oklahoma. The Oklahoma Education Association is looking for a $10,000 pay raise for teachers who have been working in the district for over three years. According to News 9, they're also looking for a $5,000 pay raise for support professionals who have been within the district for over three years. The association would like to also work out a plan regarding the cost-of...
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Cyber Attackers Interrupt Olympic Opening Ceremony

If you watched the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics earlier in February, you might have noticed something was a little off. According to the New York Times, a cyber attack caused problems for the airing of the opening ceremony. The attack took out internet access, grounded drones, shut down the Olympics website, interrupted telecast, and even prevented some spectators from attending the ceremony. The attack even caused ticket printing issues, which meant more than a few people were unable to attend the event. Security experts say that the attack had actually been in the works since late last year and that it was directed at the Pyeongchang Organizing Committee to disrupt the Winter Games, or potentially even send a political message. Luckily, there was no damage to any comp...
Sinkholes Concerning Florida Retirement Community Residents
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Sinkholes Concerning Florida Retirement Community Residents

For the 21.31 million people who live in Florida, natural disasters are no stranger. From hurricanes to flooding, residents are generally prepared for anything that comes their way. However multiple Florida residents have been having to evacuate their homes due to sinkholes. A retirement community in central Florida is being affected by the formation of sinkholes around their homes. Multiple residents were evacuated and utilities were cut to a few more homes close to the sinkhole to lessen dangers for crews working in the area. Fortunately, no one has been injured. When people reach the average retirement age of 63, many choose to move to one of the many retirement communities in Florida. The Villages is home to over 50,000 residents, many of whom were startled to learn of the sinkho...
Americans On Track to Consume More Beef Than Ever Before
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Americans On Track to Consume More Beef Than Ever Before

Americans are known for a lot of things, some nice and some not so nice. But one thing is for sure: Americans love food. Based on the U.S. Census data and Simmons National Consumer Survey (NHCS), 233.28 million Americans used Mexican food and ingredients in 2017. It's difficult to identify an entire nation's favorite food, but beef is certainly up there. In fact, Americans, on average, eat about 66.5 pounds of beef every year -- and that number could be even larger in the near future. But how much does the average American family actually love this kind of meat? When it comes to protein, beef, clearly, reins supreme inside the average American household. According to a 2016 Consumer Expenditure Survey, which surveyed 129,549 American consumers, the average person spends $244 a ye...
Uber Freight Wants to Work Together With the Logistics Market With Self-Driving Trucks
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Uber Freight Wants to Work Together With the Logistics Market With Self-Driving Trucks

There are roughly 5.9 million commercial drivers operating in America today, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Those drivers' jobs are now on the line as Uber has been experimenting with self-driving freight trucks. Via Uber Freight, autonomous trucks are now doing actual work for customers with Uber's commercial cargo shipping on-demand app. The Uber Advanced Technologies Group started working on self-driving trucks in 2016 and launched Uber Freight in May last year. Uber now wants to change the logistics market with their app. Using the app, shippers can ask to have cargo shipped at a fixed price while truck drivers nearby can accept the challenge if they deem the price to be fair. According to Uber, the app will make it much easier to book transport...
Two Townships in Pennsylvania Get Free Radon Testing Due to Alarmingly High Levels
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Two Townships in Pennsylvania Get Free Radon Testing Due to Alarmingly High Levels

Nearly 4,000 homeowners in Lancaster and York counties in the state of Pennsylvania will receive letters this month to notify them of the high radon levels in their area. The letters will go to 2,000 homeowners in Lancaster and 1,500 homeowners in York. These homeowners will be offered free radon testing kits because of the high levels of the radon gas in their areas. The letters will be coming from the Department of Environmental Protection and the American Lung Association. “Pennsylvania is prone to high radon levels. From years of data we know that some parts of the state have higher radon levels than others, and we want to get test kits into the hands of homeowners in these areas,” DEP Secretary Patrick McDonnell said. “We certainly continue to encourage all Pennsylvania homeow...

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