Thursday, March 27

Month: November 2016

Tesla Unveils Plans for Solar-Powered Roofing Material
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Tesla Unveils Plans for Solar-Powered Roofing Material

Metal roofs have been known to last over 30 years with minimal maintenance. They are high quality roofing products that keep a home's warmth inside and protect a home's occupants. The future, however, could bring even better metal roofing -- namely, roofs featuring Tesla's solar panels. "So the basic proposition will be: would you like a roof that looks better than a normal roof?" asked Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Motors. A roof that "lasts twice as long, costs less, and -- by the way -- generates electricity? Why would you get anything else?" According to Fortune, the announcement comes after the majority of Tesla shareholders approved plans for the all-electric automaker to work alongside SolarCity to use more solar energy for its products. "Electricity is just a bonus," Musk said t...
Etsy’s Success to Continue With New Apple Pay Feature
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Etsy’s Success to Continue With New Apple Pay Feature

It appears that the vintage and handmade goods online marketplace is alive and well as Etsy’s most recent report secured its place as one of the top e-commerce websites for artisans. Metrics from the Q2 2016 report revealed that Etsy’s total revenue reached over $85 million, exceeding analysts’ forecasts of $80.6 million. This revenue, in fact, translates to a 39% year-over-year growth and the company opened up 94% from its indicated price. In other words, Etsy and its online merchants are thriving. Etsy’s second quarter success isn’t likely to hit a plateau any time soon, particularly since the company announced on Friday that it has begun to accept Apple Pay through both mobile and desktop devices. Previously, Etsy accepted this type of “quick-pay” on their iOS app, but did not hav...
Pre-Election Polls Showed Married Couples Voting Differently as Women Continue to Lean Further Left
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Pre-Election Polls Showed Married Couples Voting Differently as Women Continue to Lean Further Left

Men and women haven't agreed on politics since the elections of 1972 and 1976. Then, the results were practically mirrored. Regardless of sex, the American public preferred one candidate over the other. In the past, while women tended to favor Democratic candidates more than men, married couples still tended to vote Republican. “Being married constrained the gender gap," said Democratic pollster Celinda Lake. "A lot of women agreed with their husbands.” Over the past four decades, women's political ideals have shifted further left. Public policy issues, especially those regarding the wage gap and reproductive rights, have widened the voting gap between men and women. This was clearly illustrated in the 2012 election, when there was a historic 20-point voting gap between men and w...
Unemployed Men More Likely to Divorce Than Men With Jobs
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Unemployed Men More Likely to Divorce Than Men With Jobs

Roughly 44% of people expect their Valentine to spend at least $50 on a gift, according to WalletHub’s 2019 Valentine’s Day Survey. But for partners without a steady income, that's not always an option -- which doesn't bode well for their relationship's future. Studies have shown that unemployed men are more likely to go through a divorce than men with stable jobs. This means that one’s professional life doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Rather, it is deeply engrained in one’s marriage and home life as well. Juggling work and family can be a major struggle for many couples, especially now as more and more women remain in the workforce after having children. It becomes an even bigger struggle when one partner feels that the other is not contributing enough. When one partner is unemployed, mo...

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