Sunday, March 9

Woman Wolf Two Massive Steak Dinners, Shatters Eating Challenge Record

At 5-foot-7 and 125 pounds, Molly Schuyler looks like the kind of woman who mainly eats her kids’ leftovers and a salad a day, which is precisely what her diet looks like most days. Appearances can be deceiving though, as Schuyler proved last week when she devoured a shrimp cocktail, baked potato, roll, salad, and a 72-ounce steak in under five minutes. What’s most impressive though is the fact that she had room for dessert, which just so happened to be the exact same meal again, wolfing it in nine minutes the second time around.

“We witnessed history,” said Danny Lee, co-owner of the The Big Texan Steak Ranch where Schuyler feaster. “If there’s a zombie apocalypse, I want to stay away from this girl.”

The challenge actually dares contests to only eat one of the feasts in under an hour without actually standing up, which means Schuyler not only beat the challenge twice in a row, she did it in 12.5% of the time that’d be given to normal competitors.

“The second one, I wasn’t going really for time,” said Schuyler. “There was no point. I had to do it in under an hour, so I was fine.”

Such seemingly impossible, gastronomic feats are nothing new to Schuyler, who consumed a record-shattering 363 wings in 30minutes last January in a Philadelphia contest. The victory also earned her a whopping $22,000 in prize money, too.

Schuyler’s past conquests also include eating forty 2.0-ounce bratwursts in eight minutes, 6.9 pounds of pizza in 10 minutes, nine pounds of fried mushrooms in eight minutes, and eight beef patties in just 1 minute and 46 seconds.

Although the gastronomic gladiator certainly has the chops to go bite for bite with the world’s most competitive eaters, it’s not every likely that she’ll break into the world stage. For Schuyler, eating is just a hobby–not a calling. Her real vocation is motherhood.

“I just missed a contest I really wanted to go to because of a dance recital,” said Schuyler. “I will not ever give up my kids’ stuff to go do a contest.”

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