Sunday, March 9

Pop Up Weddings Take the Stage in Washington, D.C.

A new business in Washington, D.C. is hoping to connect couples in a unique way. Considering how popular flash engagements have been online, it’s no surprise, really, that someone would think to capitalize on the idea of a pop-up wedding.PopWed Co., which has been in operation since January, helps couples by choosing a creative location, taking photos, performing the wedding ceremony, and procuring the wedding license for interested couples who have to just hope they don’t get asked to leave the venues that don’t know what they’re planning.Pop-up weddings aren’t for everyone, of course, but for many people looking for a low-key but memorable way to celebrate, it’s an option that might prove ideal.

Maggie Winters is the photographer half of PopWed Co., and her boyfriend Steven Gauden is a secular humanist wedding officiant. Both Winters and Gauden are native to the area, which helps them scout out secret and unique locations for ceremonies. “We generally chat with [couples] about what they like to do, and how they met, to see where we should marry them,” said Winters in an interview with NPR.

One of their most memorable marriages was in the Natural History Museum, right in front of the giant stuffed elephant. “I really wanted to find the right couple to marry [there], and when our bride told us she had just gotten back from a safari in Africa … it was perfect,” Winters says, remembering the moment.

However, it was also an example of the unplanned nature of their ceremonies — they ended up getting kicked out partway through the ceremony. “as we were walking out, Steven pronounced them legally married so we could put the Natural History Museum on their wedding certificate,” she explains.

There are many different trends in the world of weddings, ranging from both the ceremonies to the jewelry. Each party takes their special day as an opportunity to be unique.
“When choosing rings, many brides prefer to go with a straight diamond band so it looks great either by itself or next to an engagement ring,” says Jonathan Mervis of Mervis Diamond Importers. “It’s especially helpful when traveling and you want to leave your more pricey ring at home.”

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