Friday, March 14

Body Positive YouTube Fashionista Busts Myths About Big Girls and Bikinis

Women, especially those who are overweight, are often told that they should dress for their body types. Sometimes larger girls are even publicly shamed for wearing revealing clothing.

And YouTube vlogger Loey Lane thinks that’s completely unfair.

In her video “Why Fat Girls Shouldn’t Wear Bikinis,” the 22-year-old raises four arguments that she and other girls like her have been told about wearing skimpy beachwear — and then smashes them all.

To those who say that they don’t like seeing a larger person in a bathing suit, Lane says, “Why is it that someone else can dictate that you are not allowed to put something on your body that makes them uncomfortable?”

And Lane says that this kind of criticism extends to people of all sizes, and it needs to be shut down. “It is really scary to think that because someone is wearing less clothing that they’re asking for some sort of feedback,” she says in her video.

Lane’s message is a positive one, yet it probably won’t dissuade women from dieting or getting cellulite removal, a tummy tuck, or laser liposuction if they want to. In fact, women had 90.6% of all cosmetic procedures in 2013, or 10.3 million total.

But her video doesn’t call out anyone else’s choices about their clothing or appearance, and she doesn’t attack skinny girls either.

Lane, like many young women today, has also dealt with her own body image issues. At one point when she was in high school, she battled anorexia.

“I’d been losing weight really slowly and steadily through cross country and sports, and then it just started one day,” she told People Magazine about her 16-year-old self. “People knew it was happening, but even my parents didn’t talk about it.”

Eventually, however, she recovered and her parents got her some help. Since then, she’s made it her mission to spread that body positive attitude to the world.

She started her YouTube channel (LoeyLane) to focus on plus-size fashions and give beauty tutorials, too.

“I felt there was a gap — there weren’t a lot of girls past a certain size making makeup and fashion videos. So I started,” she told People.

The viral video has been viewed more than six million times so far.


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