Friday, March 14

Adobe Digital Marketing Summit Wows Audience

Adobe wowed the crowd once again at their annual Digital Marketing Summit in Salt Lake City earlier this month. With 6,000 attendees, Adobe had to provide a disclaimer that not everything presented at the show would become commercially available. Even so, many attendees were excited about the possibilities that new Adobe technology represented.

One of the most exciting demonstrations at the summit was bluetooth beacon technology, which would allow retailers to track customers in real time as they move through the store. Consumers would have to download an app and give consent to the tracking, then fill out information that would help the company analyze their purchasing activity. Retailers will be able to use the information to send shoppers notifications about sales and offers that pertain to whatever they are looking at at the time.

“BLE technology is great and I think it is the wave of the future,” says  Brad Gerlach, Owner, Local Mixed. “As a company, Local Mixed is working with this technology for our clients. It can also be used to offer sales and coupons on items that customer are close to in the store.”

Another tool that many companies use is stock photography. Stock photos make creating advertisements and promotional materials easier because companies do not have to organize photographers, models, and props every time they want to put out new material. With millions of stock photos available, organization can be a nightmare. Tagging photos makes them easier to find when you need them, but it is also very time consuming.

Adobe demonstrated a new technology that compares new photos to an existing library and automatically creates metadata for that image, to make it easier to find. With the algorithm used in this technology, companies will soon be able to track how many impressions a specific image has earned, as well as whether it is currently being used and how it stacks up against similar photos.

The Adobe Digital Marketing Summit was a four-day extravaganza of marketing information, product demonstrations, and keynote speeches by celebrities such as Wayne Brady and Michael Keaton. Attendees left feeling optimistic about the future, and companies were excited to see what Adobe would come up with next.

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