Monday, September 16

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Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: Co-pilot’s cell phone was on, U.S. official says

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: Co-pilot’s cell phone was on, U.S. official says

Apr 16, 2014

After thorough investigations and searches, it has been noticed that the cell phone of first officer was on at the time when Flight 370 disappeared…

Police Discover Seven Dead Babies in Utah Woman’s Garage

Police Discover Seven Dead Babies in Utah Woman’s Garage

Apr 16, 2014

It was a gruesome situation when police discovered the dead bodies of 7 infant babies from a woman’s garage in Utah. It is said that…

Pro-Russia separatists seize Ukraine police building as Kiev’s latest ultimatum passes quietly

Pro-Russia separatists seize Ukraine police building as Kiev’s latest ultimatum passes quietly

Apr 16, 2014

The pro Russian separatists have turned their deaf ear to the warnings of government. The media reports claims that the ethnically motivated people have controlled…

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