Thursday, September 19

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Can the government seize your tax refund to pay a relative’s debt?

Can the government seize your tax refund to pay a relative’s debt?

Apr 16, 2014

Mary Grice a career employ of food and Drug Administration said that she was notified by U.S Treasury about the confiscation of her state and…

Deadly Virus’s Spread Raises Alarms in Mideast

Deadly Virus’s Spread Raises Alarms in Mideast

Apr 16, 2014

On Sunday, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia confirmed that there was outbreak of deadly virus in the country. The authorities said that this virus has…

Jared Leto Took a Helicopter to the Movie Awards

Jared Leto Took a Helicopter to the Movie Awards

Apr 16, 2014

Is he going to accept his award from Helicopter? On 12th of April, Jared Leto arrived at MTV Movie Awards by a Helicopter. When he was hovering over the…

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